Back to the castle.

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Elia's POV:

I crouched on the cold roof top, watching as the cars sped away towards the palace. This was my time to get Alina back, and I was going to do it properly now this time. I changed into my wolf and jumped off the roof, landing precariously on the ground. I followed the road through the forest, shadowing the cars as they travelled.

Soon they had reached great iron gates, and the procession stopped as hurried words were spoken between them and the three guards on the gate opened them and let the cars through, closing them swiftly afterwards.

I prowled through the trees, circling the palace as I traced the high fences surrounding the area. I climbed a tree, resting on the branches overhanging the fence. I shimmied across the branch, jumping down gently as I landed silently on the ground. I crept across the ground towards the stables. Alina tied up outside, heavy chains strapping her to the ground.

My heart dropped as I saw Alina tied up outside, heavy chains strapping her to the ground. Her head was pressed to the ground as chains snaked across her face, just above and below her eye, closing her mouth to avoid any flames leaking out of it.

No guards surrounded her, she was just alone in the grounds. Not completely alone. Beside her, a metal cage trapped a small baby dragon, that lay pitifully on the ground. Next to that, another cage held a nest with two dragon eggs huddled inside.

The baby dragon couldn't've been more than 3 days old. He was a dark grey, almost black, yet dark gold adorned the sharp spines running down its back. It was these spines that made me make the connection between Alina, and her own gold spines. He stretched its wings out lazily, his mouth yawning open clumsily.

Next to him one of the eggs was a glowing black, and the other a dark red. They were nestled together, trapped inside the cage.

I knew I had to get all of them out of there.

Tonight was a ball, the opening ball, and everyone's mind would be on that. I would need to dress up to disguise myself and blend in with others. This way I would have a good excuse if I was found stumbling around the garden.

I slipped away into the undergrowth, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

5 hours later

It was dark now, and I slipped on my dress, and tied my mask. I could see lights gleaming from the palace hall, and the windows of white glowing against the dark night. I slipped out of the shadows towards the lying dragons. I released the two eggs first, slipping them carefully into the saddle bag that I had stolen from the stables.

Next I released the baby dragon, twisting the cage open with a slight pop, and reached in to the dragon, letting it sniff my hand then carefully held its stomach and pulled him out to me. He chirped happily then curled around my hand and up to my shoulders, laying across the back of my neck.

I started loosening the chains, unwrapping first the one across her stomach and back, then the one around her back legs. She groaned softly, the flank shuddering.

As I moved onto the chain around her shoulders and front legs, I heard shouts and howls coming from the palace, and lights flickered around me. I ran to the chains around her face, fumbling frantically at the chains holding her down. Her soulful eyes connected with mine.

The shouts were closer now, and the sickening feeling of panic set into my stomach. I swallowed down the incoming helpless feeling and carry on destroying the chains.

Finally, I got them free, and Alina rose, stumbling to her feet. I pressed my forehead against hers, we had to reconnect for our bond for our souls to ever reconnect. The whole world faded as I felt our souls intertwine.

She roared, flapping her great wings. I rushed over, still carrying the baby dragon on my shoulders and the two dragon eggs on the saddle bags that I hurriedly fastened onto her. I leapt onto her back as I turned to see guards running towards us. Among them, with angry dark eyes shining an unusual silver, was Blake.

Further behind him I could see the King, Mikaeyl Rarner, standing at the door to the palace. His arms were crossed, and his eyes shining a bright blue as he watched intently. With him, I could never know his emotions.

I rose into the air, Avina's wings flapping furiously as we soared through the dark sky.

The baby dragon half fell off as we climbed, but I managed to grab onto its waist, hoisting it closer to me as we swooped over the clouds.

An angry howl rose through the air as we flew away.

We had managed to get away, but we were in no way free.

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