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I'm so sorry, guys!!! I was working all day yesterday and then I got sick, so I didn't get a chance to upload, but here it is!!

There are only two chapters left now... 



"This is the library," I point up to the building. "I don't really sit here much, but Lena does."

"I love studying in silence," she adds.

"I don't," I laugh. "I usually sit in a café, just to have some background noise."

"And that works?" Quinn asks. "Your grades are okay?"

"Yeah, they're alright," I nod. "They could probably be better, though."

"Your grades are better than mine," Lena snickers. "College is definitely not for me."

"That's alright, though," Stacey adds. "I never went to college, and I'm doing fine."

"Have you decided what you'll do once the semester ends?" I ask Lena. We haven't spoken about it since she told me she was thinking about dropping out.

"I think I'll wait until the end of the year. I'll change my major to something I'm passionate about, like design, but I'm not too sure."

"That's okay. You don't have to know yet."

"I think I want to do beauty, so I can focus on makeup. Or even do something with fashion."

"I can see that," I nod.

"What about you, Sarah?" my sister asks me. "Have you decided on your major yet?"

"Not really," I admit. "I was hoping to do music, but it's actually my worst subject."

"Really?" she scowls. "I thought it would be your best."

"Yeah, I thought so too. Turns out, I'm a lot better at biology and medicine."

"Do you enjoy those subjects?"

"I do, yeah. I actually haven't played piano in a week or so."

"Oh god," Stacey wrinkles her nose. "I was afraid this would happen."

"What?" I scowl.

"I have a friend who was into photography, so she went to get a qualification, but it completely turned her off it."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want that to happen to you. If you like playing piano, you shouldn't be focused on what some teacher tells you. It's a form of art, isn't it? There's no right way to do it."

"That's so true!" Lena gushes.

"SO you think I should drop music?" I ask.

"Maybe," Stacey nods. "You love playing piano, and I don't want you to lose that."

I take a moment to consider her words. She makes a valid point. Studying music hasn't necessarily turned me off playing, but it definitely could have impacted my motivation to do so. I usually play to cope with my anxiety, or just because it makes me happy. But the more I think about it, the more I worry that I'm focusing too much on my grades. I didn't even play the piano when I was arguing with Tyler. That should be a major sign.

"So... I should major in medicine?" I question, trying to detangle my own thoughts.

"Maybe, yeah," Stacey says.

"Or," Quinn shoots me a teasing grin. "You should become a cop like me"

"I don't know," I laugh. "I don't think I could do that. I'm really not cool with the whole gun thing."

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