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Nolan did leave for Europe. She saw a post he had made on social media. It was a good picture, something Madeline noted wearily. He looked happy, his smile wide, his ticket held high in the air. It was interesting how different they took their friendship ending. She deactivated her account after that. She needed a break from the internet anyway. She wasn't in the right state of mind to even try to pretend his smiles didn't torment her. The first night was the worst, at least that's what she told herself while wallowing in her self-deprecation.

"Look I get the whole end of an era thing but is there something you're not telling me?" Maggie was standing at her door, leaning casually on the frame. Madeline tried her best to appear normal, though her puffy eyes screamed otherwise.

"Not right now, Mags," Madeline whispered. Her aunt nodded, understanding heartbreak more than anyone. "Well, I'm joining your cousin at his grandmas tomorrow. Are you sure you don't want to come?" She pouted. Madeline politely declined. She was looking forward to her alone time. She thought a good five days without having to hide her feelings might help move her along. She could cry in whatever room she wanted without fear of someone walking in and asking her thoughtful questions. She could go see Hershel in a few days, let her know how sad she was. 

"Okay well I'll leave you alone but I love you and I hope you'll call me and let me know how you are?" She wouldn't push her niece, at least not yet. She moved away from the room, closing the door behind her.

Madeline slept.

She woke the next day long after her aunt and cousin had gone. She wandered aimlessly through the house. She made some coffee, sat on the couch, napped on the couch. She binge-watched shows on her favorite streaming site. She thought about showering but never moved. Her heart hurt. The ugly thoughts that ran through her skull exhausted her and lulled her back into sleep. 

She wanted nothing more than to disappear. Her dreams were cloudy and unfocused. Nolan was there, his back to her, his voice muffled by distance. She fell off the side of her porch and fell into a black space. She landed hard on the side of Monument Hill. He was there, the purple-eyed mystery man, pulling her up above the storm, his fingers scratchy against her wrists. "Well hello, Madsy. Back so soon?" She could see him then, the sun hitting his face, his eyes violet, his skin ivory white. "Sebastian?" She asked curiously. "You remember." He pressed a set of perfect lips to the underside of her wrist. She felt her cheeks warm with his nearness.

"Wake up, Madsy." Sebastian winked.

"What?" She was confused.

"Wake up."

The Grandfather clock chimed at midnight, a dozen long bells dinging over and over until she woke. She flipped over, burying her face into the back of the sofa. It wasn't a sofa, it felt like a chest, a hard masculine chest. She froze, her eyes opening wide. There was skin, the kind of yummy skin you dreamt of kissing. Her heart raced in her chest, her body frozen with fear. Who the hell?

"You're so tense, Madsy. Relax," she looked up at a pair of slightly amused purple eyes. Madeline screamed, falling off the couch and landing with a hard thud against the floor. She stood quick, tangled in the comforter she'd buried herself in earlier.

"Oh my god! Please don't hurt me!" She stepped back and fell over the coffee table, blankets landing over her like an oversized skirt. He was moving toward her, reaching for her hands to help her up. She scuttled backward, refusing anymore contact with the stranger.

"Madsy, do calm down." He tutted. "I'm here to help not hurt." She kept her comforter to her chest, eyes darting to the nearest exit.

"Why are you here?" Madeline whispered. "Who are you?"

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