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After Madeline asked Sebastian if he had any bedding they took a quick trip to the store to get a few necessities. She took her time picking the things she needed, hiding a smile at Sebastian's constant questions. She would get tired of them one day but the sound of his voice was comforting and thrilling so she answered most of them with a ghost of a grin tucked at the edge of her lips. He helped her make the bed, well the mattress and dropped down heavily across their handiwork.

"Text Maggie," Sebastian reminded her. She obeyed, snatching the phone from her bag and sending an "all is well" message to her aunt. Maggie responded quickly with a "good job" followed by a heart emoji that spoke volumes. She would tell her aunt about moving in with Sebastian soon enough. That would be a fun conversation. Madeline could already see the scrutinizing expression she'd sport after the news was broke.

"Ready?" Sebastian asked. He looked slightly nervous but hid it well behind a smile. She agreed, allowing her body to relax against the new bedding. She would've liked to wash it first but they were dealing with the bare minimum. One day she would have a washing machine and detergent and candles and a toilet brush, the possibilities were endless. She caught herself snickering at the ball of excitement pooling in the center of her chest. She was growing up and that meant she was allowed to get excited about home goods.

"What's so funny?" Sebastian was stripping down only to redress in a pair of loose-fitting sport shorts. Madeline shrugged, watching his movement carefully from her side of the bed.

"I was thinking about all the stuff we have to get for your place," she sighed. He crawled into bed beside her, pulling the new comforter to rest low on his torso. He reminded her it was her place too and she bit her lips together to keep from giggling. It was her place too and that was exciting and nerve-wracking in the best of ways.

"So what do we need for our place," Sebastian yawned. She wondered how long it would take for him to fully recover from whatever he'd gone through to get back to her. She let herself fall against him as he tugged her over, his fingers wrapping around the top of her arm softly, reminding her of his presence.

"For one we need to move this mattress into the bedroom," she yawned then too. "We need a frame for it so it sits off the floor."

"What's so bad about it sitting on the floor?"

"I don't know," she shrugged.

"What else?" She glanced up at his closed eyes. She knew he was listening. His breath was still shallow and his hands were tense against her body.

"We need cleaning stuff and kitchen stuff and a couch. I'd like a couch at least."

"Then we will get a couch," Sebastian smiled but kept his eyes closed.

"Do you think you'll ever get sick of me, Seb?" Her voice was quiet. She wasn't scared of his answer, just curious. He had more than proved himself to her. He was loyal and wonderful but that didn't mean that they would never argue or he wouldn't get aggravated with the mere sight of her one day.

"Nope," he was half asleep. "Not possible."

She didn't respond. She let her eyes slide shut and sleep claim her.


When Madeline woke in the Nothing, Sebastian sat at her side. He looked rested, his brilliant purple eyes traveling the lines of her face. She sat up, stretching across the familiar dark. She let him help her to her feet, following soundlessly through the shadows. He still knew where to go, after all those years. She moved behind him, through the hidden door they'd been through so many times before.

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