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"Who is he?"

Sebastian laughed out loud, hands slapping down on his knees. He was amused at the turn of events, his eyes a vibrant shade of giddy lavender.

Madeline felt her mouth open and close several times. What was she supposed to say? "What?" She gripped the full mug in her hand and hoped her eyes didn't look as crazy as she felt they did.

"What are you talking about, baby?" Maggie wasn't fully paying attention. She was moving to hang her purse up by the door. Ethan's face was scrunched in a curious pout, his tiny glasses sliding down his freckled nose. His mother put her hands on her hips, studying her perplexed son before turning her gaze to Madeline.

"That guy," Ethan raised his hand to point at the invisible man.

"I'm Sebastian!" Madeline tried her best to keep her face neutral, though she was almost positive she looked insane. She bit down on her tongue, willing the right words to come to her. Nothing did.

"What are you talking about?" Maggie laughed. "Are you trying to trick me, silly?" She shook her head, moving away from the young boy and toward the kitchen sink to wash her hands.

"What's your name?" Sebastian was going toward Ethan with his hand held out for a shake.

"Ethan. I'm Madeline's cousin." The child answered proudly. "Are you her friend?"

"Are you making lunch today?" Madeline interrupted frantically, taking two spastic steps forward.

"Ethan, what game is this?" Maggie looked perplexed. It wasn't like the young boy to talk to the air.

"He's just joking around!" Madeline shot her cousin a pleading look.

"No..." Ethan started to protest.

"Don't be rude, Madsy!" Sebastian cawed, his smile stretching across his perfect face. He was sitting on the table, his ankles crossed and swinging below him. Madeline ignored him, her mouth tight.

"New pretend game we made up!" She grabbed her cousin by the shoulders and ruffled his hair playfully. "He's way too good at pretending. Let me tell ya! The kid is super creative," Maggie gave them both a funny look but accepted the answer as truth.

"We're having sandwiches for lunch," she answered Madeline's earlier question. "Do me a favor and start the laundry. I want to get it folded before it gets too late."

Madeline dragged Ethan by his hand to the living room, Sebastian on their heels. She fell to his level on her knees and spoke in a hushed whisper.

"Look, buddy, I'm sorry for lying about Sebastian in front of your mom but she doesn't see him and she can't know about him okay," she felt bad for suggesting lying to his mom. Madeline had never been one to hide things. Most of the time she didn't think it was necessary to waste that much energy when you could just come clean. Maggie was cool but she wasn't 'seeing invisible people without thinking you're off your rocker' cool.

"Why?" Ethan pushed his glasses up his nose, eyes moving over her shoulder to where Sebastian wandered aimlessly around the living room.

"Why can't she see him or why can't she know?" Madeline sighed. She was shaking in her kneeling position so fell back on her bottom across the wood flooring, her hands perched tightly against her knees.


"Well kid, she can't see me because I'm invisible to grownups and she can't know because Madsy here will have a stroke trying to explain my existence." Sebastian was still casually strolling around the room. He smirked over his shoulder, pleasantly amused. "Let's just keep me hanging around a secret."

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