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She had been there so many times before but it was always cool to the touch, like the world after a spring rain or emerging from a steamy bathroom so cool and so quiet. Madeline woke in pieces, first the scent followed by her vision, and lastly the heaviness of her limbs pressed into the spongy nothing that made up her surroundings. She stayed still for a moment, enjoying the lightness that came with no impending doom or a thousand questions smashing into the sides of her cranium. She might even feel drunk, though she wasn't quite sure what that felt like. Apart from being buzzed a few times with Nolan she wasn't an expert on it but the heaviness in her body and the fuzziness around her thoughts reminded her of those strange wine cooler nights in the middle of summer. Sebastian should be there soon.

She sat up, her head swimming with the movement. She had never been there alone, not really. Sebastian as always just behind her, whispering direction in her ears. She called for him, a sudden chill taking over her skin. He had looked for her for so long before. What if he couldn't find her this time? She thought about wandering around the Nothing for the rest of her life. It was better than the alternative. She couldn't stand tiptoeing around her mother, watching her wreak havoc on anyone or anything that threatened her power.

She called him again. Her voice echoed a thousand times as if she'd shouted down a mining shaft. There was a difference, a soft whisper of a familiar voice coming from behind her or above her. There was really no sense of direction in that place so she followed the voice until it was loud enough to make out the small hopeful voice. A light in the distance pulled her closer, her tears welling up at the soft tones of her cousin just beyond the dark.

It was there, like a sliver of light cutting through the shadows. Though she couldn't see them, she could hear Ethan's reserved speak describing one of his favorite books to her followed by a low and ceaseless beeping that stayed in time with her own heartbeat. She knew that light led home, something that tickled somewhere deep in her chest and called for her. She wanted to go but she had to wait for him. Sebastian needed her to get back to her world so she kept the light in arms reach, listening fondly to her cousin's description of a bright green dinosaur riding a skateboard.

"Madsy," she jumped at his sudden nearness but recovered quickly. She threw her arms around his neck, breathing in the familiar scent that was her Seb. He held her just as tight, pressing soft kisses to her face and neck. She let her fingers slide against his scalp, enjoying the way his hair tickled her palms.

"You found home," he nodded. She saw it then, even through the smiling and other generic anecdotes she could see the uneasiness behind it all.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Sebastian smiled but it never fully reached his eyes. "I just missed you." She didn't believe him, her own hands shaking at the back of his head. She hugged him again and again. He kissed her. It was different than before. There was a desperation in his lips that drew out a rather needy moan from Madeline that embarrassed a part of her that would probably never go away. She giggled against his mouth, enjoying the frantic way he held onto her.

"Let's go home," she was pulling him toward the light.

"Madsy," he breathed. He didn't move from his spot but let her pull his hand forward. That strange unease from before was multiplied by a thousand with the tension in his arm. It was an uncomfortable stinging that ran around her ribs and stomach lining.

"What is it?" She asked him. He was so serious, something she had yet to see. She stepped closer to him, blinking back the confused tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. She touched his chest, felt his rapid heartbeat pulse against her fingertips. "Come on, Seb. What's wrong? Are you..."

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