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It was the first time in a long time Madeline slept the night through. She woke with the suns rays warming her face through open blinds. She stretched, eyes watching the ceiling fan as it made its lazy circles above her head. The night before had been a weird sort of dream. Though she would take the appearance of a gorgeous purple-eyed boy over the earth-shattering storms of Monument Hill, she felt oddly empty waking alone. She wished to have more dreams like that and less clawing her way up a mountain in an ice storm.

She needed to shower. She climbed the steps and jumped in the warm water, mind wondering to her dream boy with his perfect teeth and constant smile. She would probably go for a walk. Her legs felt tight after so many inactive days. After washing her hair and body she turned off the water and exited the shower. She wrapped the faded blue towel around her body and leaned over the countertop to wipe the foggy condensation off the mirror. She screamed full force upon Seeing Sebastian's smiling face in its reflection.

"Holy shit!" She closed her eyes to calm her heaving chest. "Damnit!" she slammed her open palms along the tile counter, allowing the unpleasant sting to wake her from her terror induced stupor. "You scared the shit out of me!"

"Language," Sebastian teased. He was moving closer, running his finger along her shoulder. He caught a drop of water from her soaked hair and brought it to his mouth. Madeline felt her breath hitch, shaking her head at his actions. "Though I do enjoy your dirty mouth." She ignored the warmth spreading through her body.

"How long have you been there?" She was suddenly very aware of her lack of clothing and cinched the towel tighter.

"I missed the real show if that's what you're asking," he grinned cheekily. "Can I help dry you?"

"No!" Madeline scoffed. She felt her cheeks go up in flames. She moved away from the beautiful man and into the hall. Sebastian followed close behind, pouting like a spoiled child.

"Hardly fair," he joked. "So what are we doing today?"

Madeline disappeared in her closet to get dressed. She wore her baggiest t-shirt and shorts, feeling rather violated after Sebastian's lecherous eyes took their liberties in the bathroom. When she emerged from the private room Sebastian was lounging casually on her bed, flipping through a random novel with mild interest.


"So what?" Madeline ran a brush through her hair. She was still mildly peeved at his entering the bathroom without her permission. She was also mildly peeved it hadn't gone further. The latter being something she would never admit to herself, let alone the perverted invisible.

"What are we doing today?"

Madeline shrugged, she wasn't planning on doing much of anything.

"How about some breakfast and a quick game?"

Madeline narrowed her eyes at him over her shoulder. "What sort of game?"

"Just questions!" Sebastian smiled, sitting up. He was wearing a white t-shirt over his perfect frame. She noticed the swirly tattoos peaking up over his neckline. She had been too nervous to study his bare chest the night before. She regretted not taking more liberties when he was less clothed.

"Okay I guess," she sighed. "Can I ask you something first though?"

"Yes I'm well-endowed," Sebastian teased, his tongue coming out to wet his pink lips. Madeline rolled her eyes, fighting a smile at his crudeness.

"Not what I was going to ask," she turned toward him, keeping her knees pressed tightly together. "Am I insane?"

"No more than anyone else," Sebastian scrunched his face as if disgusted.

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