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Sebastian had brought Madeline to the edge of a forest in the middle of the night. She looked over to where he fiddled with his tie, the soft black fabric shiny under the moonlight. She noticed her own changed outfit change then, sheer white fabric draped around her body fetchingly so. She could see the rainbow shifts in the shin across the skin of her fingers and wondered momentarily if she had the same effect had been made to her face.

"Why are we so dressed up?" She smiled. She didn't mind the formalwear, the fabric was flattering against her skin and she enjoyed the soft way it swished against her legs.

"We are going somewhere fancy," he answered with a shrug. "Now come here and let me look at you."

Madeline didn't argue it. Normally she would've put up a bit of a fight, not trusting herself around him but there was something deliciously tangible to his words and the air smelled of lush green and jasmine flowers and she felt drawn to her beautiful boy. She walked toward him, her cheeks heated from his stare.

"You look beautiful," he told her. She shrugged. He toyed with the soft waves that cascaded over her shoulders.

"So do you," she teased though she meant it more than he knew.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked her. She agreed, unsure of where they were going. She allowed him to lead her by the hand through the edge of the trees, past a thousand night-soaked leaves to a small clearing coated in silver dust.

"Where are we?" She asked him. Sebastian was still fidgeting with his tie. She wondered if he'd ever been made to wear one before. His long fingers toyed with the folds of the front of his jacket. She loved how uncomfortable he seemed. She was always the one blushing or looking away. It was nice to see him affected by the moment, whatever the moment might be.

"Seb?" He looked startled by his name off her lips. She repeated the question with a smile.

"This place is The Fae Garden," he explained. "This is the place we will join our souls."

Madeline paused, eyebrows furrowing. She opened her mouth, searching Sebastian's eyes for an explanation. He smiled, though it was clear he was unsure how she was taking the information he was divulging.

"In my world when you meet your match, you come here and you wait for midnight," Seb explained softly.

"Why midnight?"

"Because that's when the Forest comes to life," he nodded seriously. "I know it doesn't look much like anything right now but I can assure you... this place is quite beautiful at the witching hour."

She looked around. He was right, it didn't look like much. It was as pretty as any other set of trees. The air was cool, quiet. Sebastian was standing so very still, those long fingers still twisting around the silver buttons of his jacket.

"Why would you bring me..." she wasn't sure what she was feeling. There was panic, that was certain. She felt uncomfortable and nervous and then there was that odd tickling feeling that came with excitement somewhere in the back of all the bad. She shook her head, ridding the unusually persistent tears that were blurring her vision.

"Madsy- I just..." He started but she turned her back to him.

"Sebastian this is a sweet thought but realistically," she paused. "Realistically this is so outside the realm of possibilities to even consider." She took in a deep breath. The dress felt too tight then, she lay a shaky hand on her stomach. She needed to calm down.

"Obviously your idea of realistic and mine are completely different," Sebastian informed her quite seriously.

"It's not fair to make these kinds of promises though," she felt crazy for even bringing it up. They were having such a nice time. She had scored them some alone time. She had made such an effort to get to know him and maybe it was all for nothing. She would love to think of a life with him but there was that nagging in the back of her head that reminded her that they had some major obstacles in the way of a forever sort of future together.

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