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Sebastian hit the streets of Tres Manor at an alarming impact. He gasped for air taking just a moment to regain the breath that had been pushed so suddenly from his lungs. He sat up quickly to grasp his surroundings. The city was gray, the first moon hung low in the sky. He had to move fast before the second siren blasted. He didn't like how familiar it all was, the thick stench of death and rot, the sharpness of the stone streets under his sneakers, they were all too easily remembered. He didn't' have time to reminisce. He took off running through the city, navigating expertly through the alleys. He ran until he saw the thick brush that hid the gates to his old home. He pushed through the overgrowth, stopping short when he saw the bright blonde waves of his former lover Kiera wet with blood falling over the steps to his door. They had done it. They had killed her. They had to kill her to get in. She had been the one to bless the home all those years ao and Sebastian himself had bragged about how she wasn't able to take it back, not without spilling her life's blood across the threshold.

He was too late.

The panic he felt was unreal. His whole world wobbled around him, thick pulsing beats where his heartbeat took over his hearing. He stumbled right, gripping for balance against the old concrete planters that had once been beautiful but served only to keep the weeds growing. He got sick, his heart pumping loudly in his ears. He shook off the dizzy, scared to think what he'd find inside. He had to know. He had to find out. He had to get on with it.

He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, forcing himself to move around Kiera's lifeless corpse. The door was open, broken glass kicked down the foyer. He called for her, her name echoing through the empty home a thousand times. There was no response. He called for Lucian next and got the same result. He moved through the first floor, stopping at the kitchen where the struggle seemed to take place. There was no blood that much he was grateful for. He took in the ransacked cabinets, the turned table, and the candle that had been snuffed as it landed against the floor.

They had taken her. How long ago had it happened? He ran into the library, dropping to his knees and pulling up the loose floorboard he'd known about once before. There were only three Lumi's left and a small gold knife that was no good to anyone of the Mother's power.

He didn't have time to think it over. He would just go. If he could at least get to her he could give her the serum from the Elders and meet her in the Nothing. All he had to do was get to her. He didn't have to win the fight, he just had to find her. His heart hammered in his chest, his body moving before he had time to consider the danger.

He was halfway out the door when he saw Lucian limping up the path toward the house. He was beaten badly, his left eye completely swollen shut while his right filled with blood. He dropped to his knees before he made it to his old companion, his body falling heavily against the ground.

Sebastian called for him, running to his side.

"What happened?"

"The Brothers found me," Lucian could barely keep his eyes open. "They took her didn't they?"

"Come on. Let's get you inside."

Lucian looked broken propped on the couch. With every movement, he winced in pain. Sebastian had poured him a small cup of water and tossed him the box of bandages they saved for such occasions. Lucian ignored the medical help and chugged the water, cringing at the taste.

"What happened exactly?" Sebastian dropped down on the closest chair, studying his old roommate for sincerity. Lucian shook his head, licking his busted lip out of habit.

"I brought her with me to show her where we get our spheres but I made her wait outside," Lucian started. He leaned over and pulled a bottle out from under the sofa he sat on. He popped the cork from the top and took a swig of the clear liquid. "I told her to be quiet and keep her head down. I went in. I wasn't in there for ten minutes and when I came out she was gone."

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