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It was so quiet there in their lavender world. Madeline ran her fingers through the air watching the sparkles fall from their hovering places. Her heart ached with melancholy nostalgia she hadn't felt maybe ever. Sebastian watched her carefully, his purple eyes alight with interest. He was smiling a soft sort of smile that she wasn't sure how to take. She played over a thousand memories in their secret space, all of which started with her young mind overwhelmed with sadness or hurt. She had blocked so much of that time out, it seemed like a different life altogether.

"Why did you bring me here?" There was no malice in her voice. She was simply curious, her eyes moving over to where he leaned against a nearby tree.

"I wanted you to remember," he nodded. "This place never makes things worse."

"It's amazing," she whispered reverently.

"It's for you," Sebastian smiled fully.

Madeline turned away from him, the honesty in his stare too much for a response. She moved through the purple mist. Her mind went back to a particularly bad night, with a particularly bad dream. She had been plagued with night terrors since her father passed away. She woke most nights with gasping screams. Then one night she woke up and couldn't breathe at all. Her eyes wouldn't open, her mouth gaping and struggling for air. She remembered young Sebastian, sitting beside her, his hands gripping her arms and shaking hard. "Madsy!" Her eyes had opened and the air slammed into her lungs. The purple mist slid around the room and covered the walls. "You're safe! You're here with me!" She had been there so many times. How did she forget?

The memories were more there, they were real. Madeline could see the outline of herself calming with her invisible friend as he soothed her matted hair. He was so kind, so wise for someone his age. 

"Thank you," she whispered. She wasn't just thanking him for their most recent interaction but for all the times he comforted her as a terrified child. He had been so reliable. She couldn't remember why she let him go but something had pulled them apart. She wondered if growing older had something to do with it.

"Anything and anytime, Madsy." It seemed like a promise. She smiled at him over her shoulder, too nervous to face him head-on. "I mean it," he was standing and moving toward her. "I would do anything to make you happy. I would even go back to Tres Manor if it meant making you smile."

Madeline winced as the purple world dissipated in a swallowed gulp. She looked at Seb, his head shaking as if waking from a bad dream. She noticed his unease at the mention of Tres Manor, whatever that was. She could only assume it was bad enough to break him of his declaration. He didn't seem a guy to be deterred easily. Somehow, the spell had been broken. 

"Mucked that up didn't I?" He seemed embarrassed, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his perfect head. Madeline smiled at him, assuring him it was okay. He was quite adorable in his playful mannerisms.

"Are you hungry? I mean... do you even eat?" Madeline asked, eyebrows moving up in question.

"Do I eat?" Sebastian laughed out loud. "Of course I eat. What kind of question is that?" He giggled further, doubling over at her annoyed expression. He thought she was silly. She felt silly.

"I mean I didn't know if, whatever you are, even needed to eat. You're not exactly human." Madeline stated firmly.

"Whatever I am?" Sebastian continued to chuckle, Madeline felt the familiar tug of embarrassment. Her cheeks grew hot, along with her ears. She was sure she must look like a tomato. She was just about to stomp past him, and hide her face in the cool of the freezer when he made a grab for the back of her shirt. Madeline flew backward, her back slamming quite hard into his chest. He hugged her tight from behind, his chin resting atop her head.

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