Confusing statements

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Murthy Mansion                6 : 00 PM 


Nandini : No Dadu...I need three more scoops as solatium. You know it was so embarrassing. 

I whined savoring my favorite Choco-Chip Butterscotch Ice-Cream. It is always amazing to sit in our garden in the evening with Dadu! I tend to have a dazzling smile at this place being in nature's embrace with the enchanting scent of all the roses, jasmines and lilies. The smooth green grass on the ground makes me feel ticklish as I sit down and slow yet cool wind with the sky mixed with different colors always makes this feeling more magical but today I just can't get over with this butterflyish sinking of my heart. 

Dadu(Laughing) : Doll, you really said all that soulmate thing to Manik?

I nodded making the most innocent face possible.

Nandini : Dadu! I wasn't knowing that he is also an ENFP. God. What he might be thinking about me now. 

Dadu : Sweetie , you should not think this much about what people might think about you. It's not in our control. It is said that 'We should not judge people.' But you need to know mind always works in the other way around. So at times you might judge someone , you might feel that you have been judged so hard by him or her ; at that time I would want my cupcake to understand that everyone have their own flaws. We have to accept them with all the qualities they have , be it good or bad. So don't worry about what he might be thinking . If he is good enough to understand you , he will come along .

Nandini (Cringing her nose): Come along ?

Dadu(With soft Chuckles) : Now what is this type of face for ? Don't you want him to come back to you ?

Nandini : Why would I want that ? He is not even my friend... 

Dadu : And still you were feeling so low that you ate four scoops?! I thought my doll doesn't care about what strangers think about her. 

Nandini(Firmly) : Yes. I don't. 

Dadu : Then ?

Nandini : Umm...

Dadu : It's okay. Sweetie. You don't need to give any explanation.

I think Dadu is right. We can't promise that we won't judge anyone ever but we should be good enough to understand them too!

Next day ,

Elite Drama Club    3:00 PM

Nandini :

Manik : I have been meditating on very great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow.

Is he saying the truth or is he just too good in acting ?

This is just a scene from 'Pride and Prejudice' where Mr.Darcy is telling Ms.Bingley about his affection for Elizabeth's eyes. Manik is nowhere related to this. Actually , I'm not a part of this scene so my be I'm just thinking to much as I have nothing to do. 

Ughhh...Stop overthinking you idiot. 

I guess I need to focus on other things present in my life too ; cause it seems like I have been thinking of Manik only all this time. 


Krissan Mam : Okay. That was good Manik. Now be ready for next scene Nandini.

Thank god. Krissan mam is okay with this scene. Now he will stop praising my eyes. 


NOT.MY.EYES. They are Elizabeth's eyes.

Okay. We are starting with next scene now. I also have some dialogues. Yeyiiee!

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