Beautiful odds

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Elite High School:


Looking at the reflection in the mirror, I ruffled a hand through my hair. The long black jeans and a plain T-shirt seemed a better choice. Not that I liked it. But until it served my purpose I was up for it.

Wiping my face after splashing some running tap water, I was all set to get back to the library as the lectures were cancelled for the obvious reasons.

AS I held the doorknob to walk out, it slid on its own and my eyes welcomed a sight which I only heard of in stories and movies.

I looked at him shocked and his expressions were no different.

"What the-", those words left my mouth without any realization.

In the next second my back collided against the wall, as he hastily locked the door and hid us in a corner.

"What the hell Manik. What are you doing inside a girl's washroom?", I snarled looking directly into his eyes.

Those amber-brown orbs went wide while he hushed me saying, "Shhhh."

"Manik, just get out.", I screamed and he looked at me perplexed.

"Manik Malhotra your ears lost the capacity to-", the words ceased in my larynx as he palmed my mouth taking me by another surprise.

What was he trying to do?

If he landed up there to propose me, I was going to smack his face, because, I was just done with it.

I struggled to remove his hand, only to be held more firmly by him. His one hand palmed my mouth and the other one held my both hands pressing them on the wall near my forehead.

As I struggled more, he said in an extremely inaudible voice, "Nandini, please stay silent. Just for some time, please."

There was something in his voice, fear? That was when I noticed sweat-beads on his temple.

Did someone make him watch a horror movie again?

I was about to push him in order to free myself when I heard, "Manik. Manik. Hey, have you seen Manik?"

What was going on?

Then, I heard a second voice, third, fourth, and so on. There were many girls outside the washroom asking for him.

As they left disgruntled after some time, he alleviated his grip and I smirked finding him letting out an exasperated sigh.

"What?", he asked with an irritated look.

"Quite much of a fan following. I must say.", I remarked curving my lips into a lopsided smile.

"They all wanted me to be their valentine.", he said in a tired tone as he rested his back on a wall standing by my side.

"I thought you enjoy the attention.", I said with a toothy grin and flipped my hair.

"Not on the Valentine's Day.", Manik replied instantly making me chuckle.

"So, What plan's for the day? Who is your Valentine? Where are you taking her on a date?", I asked with curiosity as if those were the most inquisitive questions.

"I don't do dating on Valentine's.", Manik said casually.

"What?", I looked at him being confused.

"Obviously. It's the day of love. And you know my taste in relationships, right? All this isn't my thing. Perhaps, I would never want a girl to expect a commitment from me only to get hurt. So, I stay away from all the girls on this particular day.", Manik explained and I nodded.

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