Dramatic Turns

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Ti Amo Restuarant                           8:00 p.m.


My eyes twinkled while I kept admiring the enchanting surroundings of our table. 


Hello. Stop there. We were sitting in the normal family dining area.

Yes. The waiter did insist us to sit in the 'Specially for couples' section of the restaurant. But we refused. Yeah yeah. I refused. 

They looked beautiful though, the tables decorated red roses, scented candles, and crystal balls. To be more specific this was the inner appearance of the tables while they were covered from all the sides externally with satin-smooth shiny cloths. Exactly. It was almost like a separate room for the couple so that no one will disturb their 'Privacy', the only difference being space, which was just very less may be to make the things appear cozier and of course to make more money out of the remaining space. Duh!

Be it the couple section or family section the place was awesome. It also had an open rooftop restaurant with phenomenally lavish decor, a beautiful central fountain, and small colorful fountains surrounding it. The lighting was also just perfect! 

Sitting at our table, I could see the beautiful view of the whole town! The way lights from each building, shops, malls, houses were shining it looked like beautiful Diwali rockets shone everywhere.

Trust me if it would have been Diwali, I would not have been able to differentiate whether the sky is up or down! 

Dinner under the stars with lavishing decor and water fountains was my idea of fun. Yes. This was the thing I loved most about this place so when we came to the family dining area I immediately asked the waiter for a table in this section. 

The look on Manik's face said he was impressed. 

I ordered watermelon juice with lemon while Manik ordered a cocktail. Then, we ordered frozen lasagna with summer vegetable gratin. 

When we were almost done with the food, the waiter asked us," What would like to have for the desert, Mam, Sir? "

Manik and I, let out a chuckle, when we both ordered, "Brownie sizzler with ice cream!" at the same time, with the same intensity. 

"Nandini, you know it's my favorite dessert here.", Manik said.

"Manik, you know it's my favorite dessert here.", I said. 

Actually we both said it at the same and then we laughed out loud.

It was strange as how we were so different yet so similar to each other!  

Brownie-sizzler with butterscotch ice-cream arrived within no time. We looked at it longingly as the waiter poured the chocolate syrup on the brownie placed on sizzler and immediately the syrup started boiling making us realize how hotter its base was while the topmost piece consisted of a scoop of choco-chip-butterscotch ice cream, as we watched him serving it into dishes for us, amusement danced in our eyes.

The moment it was served to us, without wasting a second both of us started ravishing it. 

"You know Nandini, you are so different. So different from the girls I have dated. Of course, I didn't mean to say that we are here on a date. I just meant that your dressing sense, your food habits, the way you behave it's altogether different from those typical hot girls who wear midthigh length one-piece and don't even eat anything but salad while drinking some pinot grigio. What you call those girls...", Manik said with a genuine smile on his face.

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