Anxiety spikes with cute fights

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Elite High School:


"Ouch," he hissed as the nurse applied antiseptic on his elbow. The blood oozing from the corner of his lips, the crumbled shirt, dishevelled hairs, and his angry face, it all evinced the kind of fight he had indulged himself in.

I mocked him putting hands on my hips, "Wow. If you can't even handle the burning sensation of an antiseptic, then why did you start that fight in the first place, Manik?"

"I don't know why you fought, but those three have been beaten quite badly. Their faces are swollen due to your punches Mr.Malhotra," the nurse in our sick room lashed at him. He kept mum.

Who gave her the right to scold my Manik?

Okay, My Manik?!

Nandini Murthy, get a grip on yourself.

The nurse continued her work and I moved to take a look at the boys who were beaten by my idiotic-friend-cum-Mr.Flirt. My eyes popped out as I saw the same three guys who had asked me out on Valentine's Day.

Was the fight actually about what I was thinking?

As we walked out of the sick-room, "What was that? Care to explain?"

"What? We just had a fight," Manik shrugged moving in the direction of canteen while I followed him.

"Do you think I don't know the reason for the fight? I can see everything," I snarled as we sat on the table ordering for French-fries and coke.

"You don't know the reason," he said in a dismissing tone and I huffed. Ignoring me completely, he started munching the fries while I glared at him narrowing my eyes.

"Just because they asked me out, you beat the hell out of them, Seriously, Manik Malhotra? Who the hell gave you the right to do that?" I yelled banging my hands on the table getting aggravated due to his ignorance.

He kept eating without paying attention to my questions, as if I didn't exist, I wondered if the food was that important.

The guy was ignoring me like corona.

"You know what, I don't care, now. Do whatever you want Mister," I spat getting up after finishing my plate hastily. Stomping my feet I left the cafeteria.

Manik didn't even budge to explain to me.

Infinity Mall:


The new Gucci jacket collection was really a cool one but for the first time, new jackets were not able to lift up my mood.

What was I supposed to tell her?

I won't be able to tolerate it if she gets hurt.

I was pondering over how to make it up to Nandini when I saw Dadu entering a changing room carrying a huge bag in his hand with a somewhat edgy face.

Rushing towards the same changing room, I was about to knock the door but because of not being locked it slid open, and the sight in front made me gasp while I whisper-yelled, "Dadu!"

He immediately shot his head in my direction and I took in his presence, chocolate around his lips, mouth packed with sweets, a can of Ras-gullas in his left hand, two boxes of pastry on the small side table, and a packet full of muffins peeking through his bag.

Was Dadu participating in some sweet-eating competition?

But why was he hiding?

"Dadu, where are you?" Nandini's voice changed the colors on Dadu's face. For the first time, he looked terrified and I smirked as I saw her coming closer.

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