Conversation Of Hearts

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Murthy Mansion:


"Yes!" Sliding though the main entrance I whisper-squealed resting my figure on the back of the door with my palm still placed on its soft maroon plywood, knees bent a little and eyes staring at the creamy ochre finishing of the tiles on the floor.

"Yess!" I sighed contently slowly lifting my head in the direction of ceiling of the living room, touching either sides of the gorge of my neck with the tip of left index finger and thumb while my lips twitched and re-twitched gracing the face with the curviest feathers of smile.

"Yeess!!!" I chuckled running both my hands through the curly hair, gliding smoothly against the flat of the door making myself sit on the floor, the back still touching maroon plywood behind me, legs spread straight across the matte tiles.

"I...I'm in LOVE!" Placing a palm over my heart, I glazed animatedly at everything in the empty living room with the eyes which no more visualized the real world for me, because they started feeling. My eyes started feeling! As if, the heart was too overloaded to feel all the emotions circulating through my veins.

"Oh my God! I'm in love! I'm in love with Manik! Oh my God! Manik, I love you," Covering the mouth with both my palms I blabbered incessantly.

All I could see was him. Flashes. Flashes of my love moving through the same living room, sitting on that sofa with a nervous face, standing in that corner in front of the vase flirting with Dadi earlier in the evening, me slipping from the third stair of the staircase and him holding me in those arms on the day I had fever. My hands moved in their own accord to reach the skin of my waist for relishing the feel of his touch and it was there, the caress of his fingers making the butterflies in my stomach alive, again.

I traced the heart-lines over both my palms one by one smiling with uneven breaths, trying to understand when I became so fortuitous to experience the feeling that I only read in stories, colored in my paintings and felt in those soulful heart-warming songs.

Pronating and supinating my hands back-to-back, I stared at them as the words from our previous conversation echoed in my ears, "Don't you like holding my hand?" "Tch. I love it."

I chuckled shaking my head as my mind reverted back to the time I refused to be his flavour of the month, the way he had hugged Avnish making him run for life on the rose day, his face when I asked him to cut onions, and that grin while saying 'Your type of talk with not your type of guy.'

"Cupcake, you are back, you should have told me. I was getting worried. Why are you sitting on the floor like that?" Dadu questioned making an appearance from his room. I turned to him. My eyes were dreamy and the crazily dazzling smile never left the face.

"Is everything alright, Cupcake?" He asked.

"Dadu! Dadu! Dadu, I'm in love! I love Manik," I ran to him and danced jumping holding his hands while Dadu chuckled looking at my happy self.

"So, someone has finally realized, huh?" Dadi teased and I took her in a bone-crashing hug squealing out of joy, "Dadi! I just can't explain. This feeling... It's so... so beautiful, as if I'm floating in outer space, as if there is no gravity on the earth anymore making me weightless despite having the mass!"

I danced in a circle urging both of them to tag along while the ever so amazing grandparents joined me following some of my crazy steps being a part of my happiness.

"What was Manik's reaction?" Dadu asked excitedly.

"I haven't told him yet. But I'll tell him tomorrow. In fact, we are going for camping, me, Navya, Cabir and Manik, so I'll have enough time to confess this to him," I answered while Dadu and Dadi nodded their heads.

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