Angry Nandini

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Murthy Mansion:


"Manik, we need to talk," she said in a calm tone making me jump at my own place.

I don't know what hint the old man got but sweet Nandini's innocent Dadu left her room after giving me a teasing smile while I stood there with an expressionless face instead of rolling my eyes as I was too confused to react.

What did she wish to talk about?

Was Nandini finally willing to be my girlfriend?!

But I didn't want her to be one anymore.

Nandini moved towards the side table of the bed while I stared at her as she picked the diary and kept it inside her cupboard.

The moment she turned around my orbs took in her enraged face with puffed cheeks, flaring nose, and eyes emitting fire.

Didn't she sound calm a minute before?!

"Manik Malhotra, how dare you to read my diary?" She snarled biting her teeth while folding her hands close to her stomach.

Were we still talking about it?!

"I...I...actually," I stuttered.

"Wow! Are you once again going to say 'You don't know the reason.'? Or wait you plan on avoiding this question, don't you? Just the way you ignored me in the morning," Nandini scoffed clutching her dress.

"I can explain," I walked closer to her but stopped in the middle when she raised her hand in the air gesturing me to stay away.

"What is there to explain? Don't you understand the meaning of 'Personal'?" She spat in agitation filled voice.

"I was just curious," I said taking a step forward while she let out a humorless chuckle.

"Didn't you read the first page out of 'curiosity'? It clearly mentioned 'DO.NOT.READ.' Let me guess, my warning didn't matter to you," She narrowed her eyes looking at me in a hostile manner, and frowns appeared on her forehead which made me take one more step towards her. In the next second, she took a rod in her hand that was lying in a corner with the support of her cupboard.

"Never. Never read my personal stuff ever again," She warned with the rod making me gulp.

It was all the exact opposite of my imagination.

"Relax, no need to get violent," I tried to get the hold of the rod as my cute Jigglypuff with the pink balloon cheeks was going all hulk.

Shaking the rod, she charged in my direction while I swiftly moved back in order to save myself.

Why was she getting so angry?

"Ouch. Mad woman," I shrieked overdramatically when the rod softly landed on my right shoulder thinking that she would throw it away getting concerned but, bad luck, she recognized my acting and it only made her more incensed.

I dashed to the other side of the bed while Nandini screamed my name as if challenging me, and the argument soon turned into a chase. She ran behind me and I kept jumping on either side of the bed. I wanted to use a pillow as my shield but I didn't, thinking what if it was tagged 'personal' in Nandini's list. Moreover, I was afraid of getting caught in an awkward position by her 'Mockery-is-my-birth-right' type of Dadu.

"Nandini, keep that rod away, will you? We can talk, maybe?" I breathed heavily.

"I thought verbal warnings don't work for you," She rolled her eyes.

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