Sean x Reader - Nightmare

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Word count: 2399

You and Sean were riding along the forest path. Trees towered over the two of you while rocks and plants were scattered over the forest floor. You looked to your right, past Sean, and saw a doe scurry away at the sound of your horses. You smiled as you watched it run and let your gaze rest on the deer on the back of Sean's horse.

You and Sean had just gone hunting all afternoon and managed to catch two deer. After all the time you had spent at camp, this was a welcome break. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes for a second, listening to all the sounds around you. The horse's hooves pounding on the dirt road, a bird singing, the wind blowing through the trees, a cracking branch as a creature stepped on it and of course the chattering of the Irishman next to you.

The man in question was flailing his hands around enthusiastically, telling you about previous hunting trips he had gone on. He had been talking since the ride back started and you had zoned out halfway through. You loved Sean but sometimes he could be too much, even for you. Now, you snapped back into reality and listened to the last bit of Sean's tale.

"And so you see, that is why I am undoubtedly the best hunter in camp!" He stated.

"Oh really?" You asked him while raising an eyebrow and glancing between him and the deer carcasses. If not for you, the two animals on the backs of your horses probably wouldn't be there.

"Well, apart from you of course!" He quickly added while smiling at you.

"That's what I thought." A smirk forming on your lips. "You know, you're lucky I like you so much Mr. MacGuire." You chuckled while shaking your head at yourself.

"That is my irish charm right there! It'll work on anyone!" He loudly exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air.

"Then you better not try that on any of us." A male voice suddenly rang out.

The smile on your face turned to concern as you looked to where the sound came from. From behind a tree in front of you stepped a man with an ungroomed, bushy mustache. A repeater in his hands. Not even a second later three other men appeared. And then another five. Pretty soon, you and Sean were surrounded by men who were all pointing their guns at you.

"Hand over all your valuables real quick and we won't have any problems. On second thought, why don't you give us your horses as well? We could do with the meat that you got stowed on the back there too." The man said with an evil smirk on his face.

Sean looked at you with a raised eyebrow before turning back to the man. "I'm sorry but we ain't giving you a single thing pal." Sean proudly stated.

"Sean... We're surrounded. I'm not quite sure what we can do against this..." You quietly said to him.

The man with the mustache let out a short laugh. "That's right, listen to your friend, mister. We've got you surrounded. You're outnumbered and not in the position to decline."

Sean looked at you and gave you a quick nod, giving you a heads up. You shook your head as a warning but Sean had already turned back to the man. "We'll see about that." He said before grabbing his gun and shooting the guy closest to him.

Everything suddenly went so fast. Your horse reared, throwing you off before getting hit with a bullet and collapsing on the ground. It landed on your foot and you yelled in pain, the gunshots muffeling the sound. A man jumped in front of you, revolver at the ready, but you were way faster. Before the guy could even properly aim you had shot him down. With all your strenght you pushed your horse up and wriggled your foot loose from underneath. A bullet whizzed past your head and you ducked behind your horse.

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