Cain x Reader x jack - A Quiet day

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Word Count: 1343

It was a quiet day at Clemens Point. You had done all your chores and most of the gang was away from camp finding jobs and executing them.
You stared at the book in your lap with a bored expression before closing it and standing up. You dusted off your clothes a bit and walked towards the lake.

The sun shone and reflected light on the water, making it look like it was glowing. A bird swooped down and grabbed a fish from the middle of the lake before flying away again with it's prey in it's talons.

You sat down onto the sand and took in the view. Before long your peace was disturbed by a wet nose pressing to your arm. You looked back and saw the grey Catahoula Cur that recently wandered into camp. Cain was his name.

"Hey boy, what's the matter?" You asked while turning to the dog. Cain wagged his tail and pressed his head into your hand.

You chuckled and took the hint to start petting him. Cain's tail started wagging harder and he barked in your face before running off.

"I thought we were having fun!" You shouted after the dog with a smile.

After a minute, he returned with a stick in his mouth. He proudly trotted over to you and placed it in your lap. You grabbed the stick and held it up for the dog to see.

"Alright Cain! Fetch!" You called and threw the stick across the beach as hard as you could. Cain sprinted away after the stick, throwing up clumps of sand as he ran. After a few seconds he got it and trotted back over to you with the stick dragging across the sand.

"You're really good at this." You commented before taking the stick out of his mouth.

You threw the stick a few more times before Cain came back panting. Looking at the dog with all his fur in the sun made you feel sorry. An idea formed in your head and you picked up the stick one last time but instead of chucking it across the beach, you threw it into the water. Not too far, since you wouldn't want Cain to float away.

Cain jumped up and flew into the water after the stick. You laughed and watched as he paddled to the piece of wood. His jaws clamped on the stick and he slowly returned. Once back on dry land, he shook his body to get rid of some of the water before once again, trotting over to you.

You lovingly cupped Cain's head and scratched him behind his ears.

"well done, but I think that is enough excersize for now." You chuckled. Cain sat down beside you as you lay down.

You closed your eyes while basking in the afternoon sun. Cain stirred beside you for a bit, but you paid it no mind and kept relaxing. Before you knew what was going on, a big wet body draped across your stomach and chest. You opened your eyes and saw Cain's face, inches from your own. He had decided to lay down on top of you and sun bathe together.

You groaned as you felt your clothes get wet. The groan soon turned into a chuckle when a tongue flicked over your chin. "Alright, alright, you can stay." You dropped your head back down and relaxed while the wet dog did the same.

"Hey aunt Y/N!" A little voice rang out from above you. You opened an eye and saw Jack standing above you.

"Hey Jack!" You smiled. "What's up?"

"I was looking for Cain and momma said that she saw you with him at the beach." He said while pointing to the pile of wet fur on your chest.

"Did you want to play with him?" You asked, feeling a little guilty since you had just depleted all the energy the dog had.

"No, I just wanted to see and pet him since I haven't in a while." He answered.

You smiled. "Well, go right ahead!"

Jack walked around your head and squatted beside you before petting the dog. "EWW, he's wet!" Jack exclaimed as he retracted his hand.

You laughed and Cain lifted his head to lick Jack in the face. "Cain!" Jack shouted while laughing.

Once the laughter died down Jack looked at you. "What are you doing, laying in the sand like that?" He asked.

Your brows shot up as you looked at him. "I am sunbathing." You answered with a smile.

"What's that?" Jack asked innocently.

"I am just laying in the sun, trying to get warm or get some sleep. Or you can be like Cain and try to dry up in the sun."

"Oh." He answered with a thoughtful expression. "Is it fun?" He then asked.

"I think it is." You said with a chuckle. "I just love laying here and looking at the sky, to see the clouds pass. Or I close my eyes and think."

"What do you think about?"

"I think about stuff that has happened, or I just make up scenarios in my head. Like a book!" You answered after a bit.

"Can I try?" Jack asked while looking at you and Cain.

"Sure!" You smiled at him. Jack inched closer to you and lay down beside you. "Do you want to play a game?" You asked.

"Yeah! What kind of game?" He answered with enthusiam.

"We just look up at the clouds and see if we can find shapes in the clouds- Like that one over there!" You said as you pointed to a cloud to your right. "That one kinda looks like a carrot!"

Jack laughed and stared up at the sky trying to find a shape. "Look over there! That one looks like uncle Arthur's hat!" Jack proudly exclaimed while pointing to a cloud right above you. Sure enough it did look like a cowboy hat, with the little strings of Arthur's hat attached.

"You're right!" You laughed. And so, time passed as the two of you played the game with Cain still soaking wet on top of you.

After a while the warmth of the sun got the better of you and you slowly fell asleep.

Abigail was looking around for Jack, shouting his name. He then saw him laying with you on the beach. "Jack! There you are!" She shouted at him.

Jack sat up and looked at his mom. "Shhh! You'll wake aunt Y/N!" he said while putting his finger to his lips.

She chuckled and carefully walked over to him. "Well, do you want to stay here for a little while longer?" She asked in a hushed voice.

Jack nodded enthusiastically. "I'm making a book in my head! It's really exciting!" He beamed.

Abigail let out a quiet laugh and walked away as Jack lay back down. Her thoughts still with Jack and Y/N, she almost walked into Arthur.

"Sorry Arthur!" She exclaimed. But Arthur chuckled and put his hands up to calm her.

"It's fine. Say, have you seen Y/N? I need to discuss a lead with her." He asked Abigail.

She chuckled and pointed at the beach. "She's sleeping on the beach with Jack and Cain. Try not to wake her, Jack will get mad if you do."

A smile formed on Arthur's lips as he carefully walked over to where Abigail was pointing. As he walked over and saw the three of you, he pulled out his camera.

"Uncle Arthur, what are you doing?" Jack asked quietly as he lifted his head a little bit.

"Shh, Jack, just lie back down!" Arthur whispered.

"Ok." Jack whispered back as he put his head down onto the sand again.

Arthur smiled as he positioned himself at the water to look at the three of you. He lifted the camera and took a picture before stealthily walking away again. This was something he wouldn't forget soon. This was what he did it all for. So that the gang could have quiet moments like this.

Feel free to request, I'd love to write 'em! ^^

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