Charles x Reader - Slow Dance

3.8K 78 15

Word Count: 1288

Requested By: jackmasrton

Night had settled but the Van der Linde gang wasn't asleep in the slightest. Sean had just been saved from being hanged and returned to the camp. In honour of this, Dutch had called for a party, celebrating his safe return. Whether it was a good idea to start a party the moment Sean has returned, is unsure.

"Achoo!" You sneezed loudly when a feather brushed across your nose, which caused Sean to jump in shock and fall onto his face between the chickens.

"Ah, Y/N... Why do you gotta do this to me?" He groaned as he tried to push his drunken arse off the ground.

You laughed at his troubles before you felt a pair of arms snake around your waist. It could really only be one person who did that, if it wasn't, then there would be hell to raise.

You turned your head slightly and was met with the kind eyes of Charles. He smiled a small smile at you and you grinned back, hearing Sean struggle to get up.

"Use your hands and feet Sean." You chuckled and Sean glared at you before finally getting up.

"I'll get ya for that Y/N." He pointed a finger at you with an evil grin.

"Wha- I sneezed!" You called back to him as he walked away. Sean just laughed and waved, walking back to the tables and campfires where the other members were. With a sigh, you slumped back against Charles' chest, dreading what awful scheme Sean would think up.

Next to your ear, a low chuckle was heard and you felt his chest vibrate against your back. "That's going to end well." Charles said and you huffed out a laugh.

"Can't wait." You sarcastically remarked before standing up straight. Charles released you and you grabbed his hand before dragging him with you back into camp.

The two of you just sat around in camp, talking and laughing with the gang with a drink in hand. Neither of you really participated in the party but you had fun either way. Javier had just finished playing a song and the chorus of voices died in laughter and cheering. You clapped and cheered for those who sang before taking a little drink as you sat on Charles his lap.

Javier put his guitar away so that he could relax and enjoy the party as well. Dutch took it as a signal and turned his gramophone up a little louder, making it sound all throughout camp. You settled a little more comfortable into Charles' lap and put your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes while listening to his steady breathing.

A soft yelp and a giggle made you look up and you saw Molly and Dutch dancing in front of their tent with Arthur and Mary-Beth next to them, dancing as well. A soft smile made its way to your lips as you watched them and it didn't go unnoticed by Charles.

"Do you want to dance?" He whispered into your ear and you blushed slightly.

"N-No, that's fine. I'm too embarrassed to do it in front of everyone in camp." You smiled sheepishly, waving the idea off.

Charles just smiled however and stood up, making you get up as well since you were sitting on his lap. "Come on." He quietly said and held his hand out to you. You took it and he gently pulled you with him, away from the partying members in camp.

You followed him, a little unsure of what he was up to but Charles seemed to have a purpose in his step so you just shrugged and trusted him. He led you to the outskirts of the camp before turning around and pulling you against him. Placing your hand on his shoulder, he placed his on your waist before clasping your other free hand in his own.

Only then did you hear the faint music coming from Dutch's tent. You had barely registered the sound when Charles began to gently sway the two of you to the tune. The song was sweet and happy and Charles even used a flare every now and then. Twirling you or leaning you over, making you giggle. To no one's surprise, Charles turned out to be a fantastic dancer, easily guiding you wherever, making it seem like he had danced all his life.

Pretty soon, the song ended and the two of you smiled at each other as a new, more sensual song started playing.

- - - -

"Okay. Well, thank you, Mr. Morgan." Mary-Beth smiled at Arthur as the song ended and they stopped dancing. He nodded, returning the smile and the two of them walked back to the campfire.

Mary-Beth was your best friend and she was quite giggly to tell you about what she had just gone through, only to find you not sitting there where you had been before. She looked around a little confused before turning to Arthur.

"Have you seen Y/N?" She asked and Arthur raised his eyebrows.

"No, not since we started dancing." He answered as he looked around, seeing if he can spot you.

"I saw her and Charles walk away a little bit ago." Javier suddenly butted in. He smirked and stood up, motioning for them to follow. Mary-Beth beamed and jumped up, she lived for this kind of stuff. Arthur seemed a little hesitant at first but Mary-Beth just grabbed his hand and pulled him with her, following Javier through camp.

Javier brought his finger to his lips to signal them to be quiet and the three made their way closer to the outskirts of the camp. A movement caught Javier's eye and he ducked behind a tree, followed by Mary-Beth and Arthur, who was still being pulled around by the woman.

All three poked their head out from the tree and feasted their eyes on you and Charles.

You had your arms around his neck while his were around your waist, slowly swaying to the beautiful melody that came from camp. Both your foreheads were pressed against each other as you looked into each other's eyes.

Mary-Beth let out an audible gasp and nearly squealed at the sight. Arthur just looked confused between Mary-Beth and the two of you while Javier looked with a knowing, almost proud, smirk.

- - - -

The moment the slow song started, Charles released your hand and wrapped both of his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. To be more comfortable, you looped your arms around his neck as he started swaying.

It was gentle and caring, showing love and adoration in the way he danced with you. When he placed his forehead against yours, you nearly melted right then and there. The way he looked at you with those beautiful and intense eyes as if you were the only thing on the entire world made you fall even harder for this man, if that was even possible.

You smiled a sweet smile and your eyes shifted from his own, to his lips, and back. Charles noticed and chuckled before leaning forward, clasping your lips in a kiss.

You closed your eyes in pure bliss as Charles deepened the kiss while continuing to lead you on in the dance. Even as you kissed, he never missed a step or faltered, easily carrying you with him.

The shuffling of feet over the forest floor made you break the kiss and look up in a start, only to see three figures running back to camp with haste.

"Looks like they left." Charles smiled while never looking away from you.

"Wha-" you started, looking between the camp and Charles before shaking your head and giving up. Of course Charles knew, he noticed everything. Just like he noticed your heart speed up just a little when he leaned forward to kiss you again.

- - - -

Feel free to request! I'd love to write 'em! ^^

I hope you enjoyed how it turned out!
Really, really sorry for taking so long to write it though >.<

I also just wanted to thank everyone for 2000 views and 100 votes! You guys are the best! <3

Next one will be another request!
Buh-bye peeps! ^^

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