Arthur x Fem! Reader - Leap Of Faith

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Word Count: 2920

"Do I really have to go?" You moaned as Arthur and Josiah stood in front of you.

"My dear Y/N, why wouldn't you want to go? I'm sure you would look stunning!" Josiah spoke up.

You sighed in annoyance. "It's not about that Josiah. It's-"

"You really have nothing to worry about." The magician didn't notice your irritated stare as he cut you off. "I can assure you this riverboat will be a lot of fun! Who doesn't love a good party." He chuckled.

"I don't." You huffed.

Josiah blinked a few times and quickly tried to salvage the situation. "Yes, well, this isn't really a party it's more of a-" Before Josiah could continue Arthur shut him up. "What Josiah means to say is that we could really use your help on this boat." He grabbed your upper arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

You looked at the man you loved before staring down at your feet. "That's just it Arthur. The boat." Your shoulders drooped and you dug the nose of your shoe into the dirt. "You know I can't swim." A blush crept up your cheeks as you continued to stare down.

"I know, I know. But it won't have to come to that." His voice was soft and kind as he lifted your chin up to gaze lovingly into your eyes. "Strauss and Josiah scoped the whole thing out. It'll be fine."

"And that is the beauty of a boat!" Josiah's posh voice butted through. "You won't have to swim at all!" his hands spread out and a big smile plastered on his face.

Arthur shot him an annoyed glare before turning back to you. Gripping your shoulders gently. "We need you if we want to be able to pull this off properly. Everything will be fine, really." He searched your eyes, trying to find your answer.

You took in a deep breath before answering. "Fine, but this take better be good!"

"Excellent! Now, let's go shopping shall we?" Josiah said as he clapped his hands together.

- - - -

It was a day later and you and Arthur sat next to each other in the coach while Josiah sat up front with the driver. The two men went back and forth, discussing the plan while you just looked around. You weren't gonna be involved in the poker playing anyways.

Josiah had explained your role a while ago. You were meant to distract the other rich guests and make sure no one noticed Strauss giving Arthur hints at the poker table. And maybe pick a few pockets here and there. You hadn't spent an entire afternoon adding hidden pockets to your dress for nothing after all.

The scenery of Saint Denis passed by as you rode through the city. You looked over to Arthur in his suit and chuckled lightly. He noticed you staring and gave you a wink. You had to admit, he did look quite handsome.

You took a second to annoyingly tug at your dress a bit. As pretty as it was, you preferred pants anytime. It wasn't before long you reached your destination at the docks.

Arthur stepped out and held his hand out for you. You smiled and gladly took it as you gracefully stepped out of the coach. You might not like wearing dresses, but that doesn't mean you don't know how to move in one.

The three of you walked up to the boat and saw two very familiar faces waiting for you. Josiah put up some sort of act for any curious bystanders, making sure it seemed as if you all had met before as you joined Javier and Strauss.

You linked your arm with Arthur's and the five of you made your way over to the boat. As you walked over the plank onto the boat you felt yourself clinging onto Arthur a little tighter as you stared down at the water.

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