Arthur x Reader - Tumble

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Word Count: 1261

Arthur was walking through the forest. With his bow by his side he carefully stepped across the forest floor, looking for any signs of animals in the area. It's not like he was paying too close of attention but just enough to spot tracks if needed.

The snapping of a twig sounded from above and he had just enough time to look up and see a woman tumbling down the hill. Before he could react however, she had crashed into him and knocked him over like a bowling ball.

The two of them lay on the forest floor, groaning from the sudden impact. The woman was the first to get back to in a start.

- - - -

Suddenly noticing what position you were in, you quickly scrambled to get up which caused your hand to slip, making you crash back on top of him. "A-Ah, I'm sorry!" You blurted out, making another attempt to get off him. With an embarrassed flush on your cheeks you sat back on your knees, watching the man sit up now that you were no longer laying on top of him.

You cleared your throat and stared at the man. He looked between you and the ridge you had just tumbled down from before focusing back on you.

"Are you alright Miss...?" He asked

"Y/N." You answered with a small smile. "And, yes, I'm fine. Are you alright? I kind of used you to soften my fall." You chuckled awkwardly.

"Arthur Morgan." He introduced himself. "And I'm fine too. I've had way worse!" He joked.

You smiled at him but your smile fell when you looked at the bow lying next to him. You reached forward and picked it up, showing it to be cracked clean through. The top half fell to the side and was dragged on by the string that was still attached to it.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" You called out, cradling the, now useless, piece of wood in your hands. "I-I'll make it up to you!" With that, you jumped up, not even giving him a chance to speak before sprinting up the hill you had previously tumbled down from.

Arthur sat, a little dumbfounded about what just happened while he waited for you to return.

After about four minutes, some rustling alarmed him that you had returned and he looked to his right to see you emerge from the trees with a horse in tow.

You smiled a little sheepishly at the man as you saw him looking at you. You came to a halt next to him and held your hand out for him. He took it and with a little grunt, you pulled him up onto his feet.

"Sorry for running off. I needed to get my horse." You said and patted your horse's neck. "But!" You then turned and grabbed something from your saddle. "Please allow me to make up for breaking your bow and ruining your hunting trip by going hunting with you." You held up your own bow with a small smile.

Arthur nodded and you turned back to your horse, took out a varmint rifle and gave it to Arthur. "It is preferable to stay silent and use the bow but, just in case, we'll take that too." You said and started walking. Arthur followed while your horse just stayed back.

"So what are you doing out in the woods?" Arthur then asked. So far there had been no sign of animals so he didn't have to worry about scaring any off by talking; and he really wanted to know more about you."

"Me? Oh I was just gathering some herbs, nothing special." You mumbled as you got down on one knee to study the ground. "These tracks are old. No use to us." You got back up and continued walking.

"Do you live nearby?"

You turned your head to face Arthur and raised your eyebrows.

"What? He asked.

"I meet a strange man in the woods who carries several guns and then he asks me where I live?" You said with a comedic smile on your face.

"Ah, didn't think about that." Arthur blushed slightly and scratched the back of his neck.

You then burst out into giggles. "I'm just messing with you. I can see you mean no harm. And, no. I don't live nearby." You chuckled. "I've actually been on the road for two years now." You then added.

"By yourself?" Arthur asked, intrigued by this information.

"Pretty much." You hummed before going down on one knee again. "How much meat do you actually need? Because I see some deer tracks here but deer might be too big." You asked the man next to you.

He crouched beside you and ran his hands along the tracks. "Deer would be perfect. Preferably two." He answered your question.

"Two deer? How many people do you need to feed?" You chuckled in surprise.

"A lot." Arthur grinned back.

"Alright." You said as you stood up. "Let's go get some deer!"

With that, you continued walking and followed the tracks. The two of you did that for a little bit before you broke the silence. "And what about you? Do you live nearby?"

"I'm not from around here if that is what you mean." Arthur chuckled. "We have been on the road for a long time."

"I presume the 'we' is who we are getting all the meat for?" You smiled back.

"Yeah, the gang has been running low on food lately." Arthur sighed.

"Gang huh?" You teased.

"Ah, yeah. But they're not bad people. Most of them aren't at least." He cleared his throat.

"Don't worry. If you are any indication then they indeed aren't." You smiled reassuringly. "We're getting close." You then said, pointing at a fresh track on the ground.

Arthur nodded and the two of you crouched down and continued on in silence. After a few more minutes, you reached a creek where several deer were drinking quietly. With as little movement as possible, you signaled to Arthur which deer you were going to shoot before motioning to the deer you wanted him to shoot. You both got in position and after a few minute adjustments, you let go of the arrow. A second later you heard Arthur shoot and two deer dropped.

"Nice shot." You grinned at Arthur.

"Same to you." He retorted with a playful look.

You let out a shrill whistle to call your horse and Arthur did the same. The two animals came running towards you as you walked over to the deer. You pulled your arrow out and saw Arthur hoist the deer onto his horse. After doing the same, you led your horse over to Arthur.

"Shall I come with you to take these deer back to your camp? I imagine it will be way too difficult to do on your own. Besides, I'd like to meet the 'not so bad' gang." You smiled.

"You want to go and meet a gang of outlaws?" Arthur raised his eyebrows.

"I've been alone for a long time. Done some bad things but that doesn't make me a bad person." You said after mounting your horse and Arthur did the same.

"Are you on the run?" Arthur asked as he motioned his horse to move forward.

"I wasn't at first but then I got low on money and well... Yeah I'm on the run."

Arthur laughed and you sent him a playful glare. "Well so am I so no need to worry." He smiled.

The two of you reached a path and started galloping lightly now that you were out of the trees, making your way to the Van Der Linde camp.

- - - -

Any requests? I'd love to write 'em! ^^

I hope you enjoyed and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! <3

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