Arthur x Reader - Unexpected Guest

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Word Count: 1741

The streets of Valentine were bustling with people as you and Arthur walked around. Dutch had sent the two of you to pick up some supplies and so you decided to take the opportunity and make it a fun day away from camp.

You turned a few heads as the two of you came out of the picture theatre laughing like drunken idiots. 

"It was interesting, that's for sure." You howled and held your stomach from laughing so hard.

Arthur chuckled and shook his head. "You can say that again."

You finally calmed down and looked at the man next to you. His handsome face complimented by the sun shining in from behind him as you walked. You had been dating for a few months and you couldn't be happier.

Arthur saw you staring and chuckled. "What, is there something on my face?" He joked.

A blush crept up your face as you tried to apologize. No matter how long you had been dating, this man was always able to get you flustered within seconds. "Wha, no I-I-" Your voice trailed off as a movement to your right caught your eye. "KITTY" You shouted in Arthur's ear.

He visibly bounced back from the sudden noise but couldn't help but laugh when he saw you jump up and down excitedly and run to the cat.

The cat itself had beautiful black fur and quickly shot away when you ran towards it, hiding under the hangman's block.

"No hey, it's ok!" You cooed and put out your hand out for him to sniff. It slowly walked towards you and hesitantly sniffed. Just then, Arthur walked up behind you and the cat shot further into the wooden structure, trying to hide. 

"Arthur!" You whined. "You scared him away!" 

Arthur put up his hands and took a step back while smiling. "I am very sorry ma'am. I just wanted to let you know I'm going to the gunsmith to gather the last few supplies."

You pouted and nodded before turning back to the cat. "I'll meet you at the wagon." You said as you waved him off.

Arthur laughed to himself as he walked away and heard you making kissy noises to attract the cat again.

- - - -

"Excuse me Miss, but what are you doing under there?" 

The sudden voice made you jump and hit your head on the wooden planks above your head.

"Oww." You said as you crawled out from underneath and rubbed your head. You looked up to see where the voice came from and saw the Sheriff looking at you with confused eyes. You slowly stood up and a sheepish grin appeared on your face. "Oh, I'm sorry Sheriff!" He tilted his head in confusion and you continued. "I was just- well, I was trying to get the attention of the cat." You said as you looked at the ground, a blush creeping up your cheecks.

The sheriff bellowed out a laugh, making you glare at him suspiciously. The Sheriff saw the look you gave him and quickly aplogized. "Sorry, I was alerted because some people thought you were messing with the platform." He said while pointing at the contraption next to you.

You let out an embarrased laugh and looked below the contraption at the cat real quick. The Sheriff followed your look and frowned.

"Say, why you interested in that mangy thing anyways?" 

You looked at him with confusion. "Because it's cute. Also very shy though." You responded in thought.

"Bad luck is what it is. All it ever does is steal food and annoy the townsfolk." He glared at the cat and scratched his mustache as he said that.

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