Dutch x Reader - Alley Rescue

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Word Count: 3986

Warning! Mature Themes

It had been a hard day at camp. Most of the boys were out scoping jobs and Arthur had taken Uncle, Mary-Beth, Karen and Tilly with him to town. Leaving you and Abigail behind to do most of the chores. 

Grimshaw had been pushing your buttons a little too hard and you were just about ready to fling the dirty plate in your hand at her head. Thankfully, Arthur, Uncle and the girls returned so she left you alone.

"Hey!" You called out to them as they walked into camp, giggling. 

"Hey Y/N!" Said Mary-Beth.

"How was Valentine?" You asked.

"It was fun! Although we did get into a bit of trouble." Tilly answered for all of them.

"I can see that." You said while pointing at the bruise on Karen's jaw. "Are you alright?" 

"Oh, you know me Y/N! A little punch won't bring me down." Karen smirked and you smiled back to her while drying your hands. "So, have you talked to a certain someone yet?" Karen's smirk only grew as she saw you turn red.

You have had a crush on Dutch for as long as you could remember. His charming personality, good looks and smooth voice made you fall for him the moment you stepped into camp for the first time. Not to mention all the little smiles he sent you every time you happened to cross his gaze. All the girls knew and Mary-Beth had told you to confess to him, as she was absolutely convinced he returned the feelings. You were less confident about it. 

That was about a week ago now and you still hadn't talked to him. Not that you had an opportunity to talk to him today, since you were busy with chores and he left the camp early.

Before you could say anything though, Tilly placed her hand on your arm. "Thank you so much for staying behind and covering our chores!" She winked at you and you thanked her silently for changing the subject. Karen and Mary-Beth quickly joined in on thanking you and you just smiled while shaking your head.

"It's alright, don't worry. I'm glad you had fun in Valentine! I might go to the saloon later to have some fun of my own." You winked at the ladies and they giggled.

You saw karen's smug face and you gasped before smacking her with the cloth you were holding. "Not that kind of fun!" You laughed. "I meant a drink Karen, you pervert." The rest of the girls joined in on your laughter and so the rest of the day passed without any further troubles. 

It was late in the afternoon when you decided to go to the saloon in Valentine. You stood up from where you were reading a book, dusted off your pants and walked over to Karen to let her know. 

"Hey Karen." You said. 

Karen looked up from what she was doing and smiled. "Hey Y/N." 

"I just wanted to let you know, I'm going to the saloon now. Do you want to join me?" You asked but Karen shook her head. 

"I think I've seen enough of Valentine for today."

You chuckled and stood up straight. "I can get that. I'll see you later!" You said as you started walking away.

"Stay safe Y/N!" You heard karen call after you.

"Always!" You shouted back while waving your hand in the air in dismissal.

You walked up to your horse and lovingly patted it's neck before mounting up. The ride to Valentine was very relaxing and you basked in the warm afternoon sun. 

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