Charles x Reader - Hunting Troubles

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Word Count: 2091

You and Charles mounted your horses to leave camp. After clearing out of the trees, the horses were able to take 12 steps before a familiar voice rang out.

"Oi, where are ya love birds off to?" 

Charles sighed as he turned to Sean who was standing guard. 

"We're going hunting." He simply stated. 

"Unless you'd rather do with Pearson's stale vegetable stew." You added with a smirk. 

Sean's face scrunched up at the thought and he waved the two of you off. "Alright, just don't take all night." He said with a wink.

You rolled your eyes at your best friend and chuckled while spurring your horse onward.

- - - -

"We really should try to catch more than just a few rabbits." Charles uttered as you finished latching the animals to your horse.

"You're right, let's see if we can find some deer." You answered and the two of you mounted your horses again.

It took a while but eventually you found some deer tracks.

"Charles! Over here!" You called out to him. 

He rode over and looked to where you were pointing.

"Looks like a few. We should be able to track and catch two deer." You excitedly said.

Charles nodded before dismounting. You quickly followed his lead and looked at him.

"These tracks are quite fresh. I don't want to lose the opportunity to catch some because they heard the horses. Especially since this is the first set of tracks we have found in a while." 

You nodded and commanded your horse to stay before going after Charles. He was hunched over the tracks, carefully following them. After ten minutes of following the tracks through the woods, you got to a clearing. The deer stood on the other side, grazing in the setting sun. 

"We can't hit them from here." Charles' deep voice whispered in your ear. 

You looked between him and the deer. "what do you propose?" You said after a bit.

"We flank them."

You nodded before motioning your head to the left. "I'll go left. If you go right we'll have them trapped and the highest chance of hitting some." 

Charles smiled. "My thoughts exactly." He kissed your temple before walking off. "Good luck Y/N!" He said before dissapearing completely. 

A warm feeling spread through your chest and you smiled as you moved to the left. 

The silence around you was defeaning. Your breath was shaky from the adrenaline. Step for step you inched closer to the deer. Your eyes darted to the other side of the clearing, looking for Charles, but of course you didn't see him. As big as that man was, when it came to stealth you would not see him unless he wanted you to. 

You grinned to yourself and continued. When you were about halfway to your goal, you heard a twig snap behind you. You turned around, searching the trees for what could have done that. At that moment a small branch fell down in front of you. You looked up and saw a bird fly away. Realising the twig broke under it's weight, you relaxed and turned back around. 

A deer had looked up at the sound of the snapping twig, but quickly calmed down and continued grazing. You thanked the wind for being in the right position and continued. 

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