Lenny x Reader - Drunk

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Word Count: 1386

"Leeeeeennyyyyyyyyyyyyy~" You mused out in a drunken slur as you walked over to him.

"Oh god." He muttered to himself before quickly standing up and catching you by your forearms as you started to fall. "What is it?" He asked once he had steadied you.

"I.....missed you" You said while giving him a goofy grin.

Lenny chuckled and wrapped his arm around your waist to keep you close (And maybe to keep you from falling. You had drunk A LOT.). "You literally only left to get a drink. Wait, where is your drink?" He asked as he looked at your empty hands.

Your face flushed and you poked your index-fingers together. "I missed you so I came back before I could grab one." Your voice came out so soft that Lenny had to bend forward to hear you.

"That's really sweet of you." He looked at you with a warm smile and you couldn't help but smile back at him while your blush got even worse.

Lenny sat you down and you started leaning into him while placing your head on his shoulder. His arm was still around your waist and the two of you sat together at the campfire.

Sean had returned and Dutch called for a party. After everything that had happened, people had let loose, you included. Normally you wouldn't really show your affection this openly in camp but the alcohol had started eating away at your prohibitors. Not that you minded. Lenny was an amazing pillow and most were too drunk to pay attention anyways.

You lifted your head to look at Lenny and smiled. The two of you had started dating not too long ago but so far you enjoyed every second of it. Lenny was such a nice guy who protected and cared for you every day, why couldn't you protect him back for once? Who were you kidding, Lenny doesn't need protection! You'll just have to settle with caring for him. Your face scrunched up as your thoughts swirled around in your head.

Lenny noticed your expression change and couldn't help but chuckle at the cute face you were making. "Whachu thinking about?" He asked.

His sudden voice seemed to snap you out of your thoughts and you came to realize you had been staring at him. "Oh! Uuhh... Us?" You said with an awkward grin.

Lenny hummed and pretended to be deep in thought after that statement. "That is a good thing to think about." He said after a bit, a smirk on his face, before pressing a kiss to your forehead.

You let out a drunken giggle and brought your arm up to try and drink something, only to realize you didn't have a bottle in your hand. You whined and heard a chuckle from across the campfire, making you glare at John who had seen your fruitless attempt to drink. He quickly averted his gaze but the grin was still clearly visible.

"I'm gonna go get another drink." You said and swiftly stood up while still glaring at John.

The alcohol in your system didn't agree however and you started to sway the moment you stood up straight. Without another warning you toppled back towards the fire as you lost your balance. Everyone who was sitting around the fire flinched as they saw you fall. They all made a move to catch you but no one was fast enough to pull you away. No one but Lenny.

He had stood up at the same time as you and when you started to fall, he immediately grabbed your wrist and yanked you away from the dangerous open flames.

You yelped as you suddenly got pulled away from your downwards trajectory and landed into Lenny's arms.

He pulled you back with so much force that you collided into his chest, causing the two of you to fall back onto the ground with a loud thud.

A collective sigh in relief could be heard from all the bystanders. "The two of you ok?" Arthur asked after a moment. It was silent for a moment but then you cracked up and started laughing into Lenny's chest. Your muffled laughter and a hand wave from Lenny was enough of an answer to those around you and so they continued the conversations they were having before.

"Glad you're having fun. Am I comfortable?" Lenny asked with a laugh as he lifted his head to look at you.

"Very much so." You lifted your head and grinned. "But I still want that drink!" With that, you got off Lenny and crawled a few feet away from him on all fours. Before you could stand up however, Lenny wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up.

You let out a little shriek before laughing once again. "Lenny put me down!" You barely managed to get it out through the laughter.

"Alright just this once." He smirked and put you down but didn't let go completely.

The two of you walked towards Pearson's cart to get the beers, Lenny's arm still wrapped around your waist. Neither of you said anything but it was a comfortable silence where you just enjoyed each other's presence.

"You sure you should be running around with one of them hoodlums?" Micah's voice called, breaking the silence.

The happiness that was displayed on your face fell the moment you heard him say that. "Excuse me?" You turned to the man who was to your right.

"You heard what I said." Micah smirked.

Your brow twitched in annoyance when you saw that smirk.

"Just shut up Micah and let everyone enjoy the party for once." Lenny snapped back. He looped his arm around yours and started to pull you away from the man.

"Running away again huh? I knew all folk like you were cowards." Micah taunted towards Lenny as the two of you walked away.

Hearing him speak like that about the man you loved made you snap. You released your arm from Lenny's grip and jumped on the blonde man. You looped your legs around his neck and began clawing at him in a drunken rage.

Once Lenny felt you leave his grasp he turned around only to saw you attacking Micah. He wanted to intervene but saw that Micah had absolutely no way of attacking back so instead he decided to just stand back and watch. He wasn't going to risk his life and limb for Micah.

Hearing the commotion, Arthur moved to stand next to Lenny only to start laughing his ass of at the scene before him. "Guess Micah ain't got a thing on a drunk and enraged Y/N!" He said through wheezes.

Lenny laughed with him and shook his head. "Guess not." He chuckled but inside he had never felt happier knowing that you were so passionate about defending him.

Some other members of the camp walked past thanks to Micah's distress calls but no one dared to intervene. Eventually, Dutch came in and plucked you off of Micah, shoving you into Lenny's arms and telling him to get you to cool down somewhere.

Lenny led you away from the group, having to go to the extent of picking you up since you were desperate to show Micah some more of your 'well deserved justice' as you called it. Well, you shouted it. At Micah. And upon seeing him flinch at your words, a satisfied yet evil grin spread on your face, causing you to try and finish what you started. So much so that Lenny had to drag you out of camp to get you to stop clawing for Micah.

Lenny took you down to the river and sat down, placing you on his lap once he was comfortable. You settled in his lap and leaned against him once you were comfortable. His chest rose and fell with each breath he took, the steady rhythm calming you down almost immediately. While you were staring into the water, Lenny placed his chin on your shoulder and drew circles on your arm, making you slowly fall asleep. Lenny noticed your breathing get steadier and placed a kiss to your temple as a thank you while trying not to wake you. And so the two of you sat by the river for the rest of the night, cuddling, while Micah had to cope with all his new injuries and the knowledge of never insulting Lenny while you were drunk.

Any requests? I'd love to write 'em! ^^

I'm so sorry for not updating for a while >.<
I had a little bit of a writer's block but I will be uploading consistently again! (I hope o_O) 
Hope you have a great day! ^^

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