Chapter 4

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"Mum, please try to calm down. We're okay." The sobbing only got worse. "MY B-BABIES! YOU BOTH C-COULD HAVE BEEN HURT OR IN D-DANGER! AAHHH I WAS SO W-WORRIED!!!!" She continued to cry as Michelle attempted to calm her down, hugging her and patting her back rhythmically. "I know, Mum. We both just overslept. We are perfectly okay and I'm sorry we put you through this stress." Her mother started wailing as her wet tears fell onto Michelle's shirt. "I-IT'S MY F-FAULT!" Her mother exclaimed. "What? How is it your fault?"

"I-it's my s-stupid job. T-they're always p-pulling me in for e-extra shifts, and I n-never say n-no! If I d-didn't work so o-often I would see y-you both more and w-wouldn't be so w-worried! I'm so s-sorry my babies!" Michelle continued to pat her mother's back, but couldn't think of anything to say. I don't blame her for always working, I knew it was tough to support two kids on her own.

"Mum?" Jake said, standing up from the couch where he had been watching his mother's breakdown and joining them. "Mum, we don't blame you. It's not your fault. We both know that everything you do is for us, and that you are working hard. We both love you." Jake's sudden wisdom nearly caused Michelle to fall over, but she steadied herself, as her sobbing mother, who was now starting to calm down, was leaning on her.

"I-I have such good b-babies. Thank you guys. I just l-love you so much that s-sometimes I worry." Michelle sighed, "It's okay, Mum. We both understand. Plus, both Jake and I like being at home by ourselves. I guess we are both like you in that way." Finally, her mother laughed. "I don't get many opportunities to do that anymore." Her voice was steady but sadness still underlined it. "Well, tonight you can. You go rest in your room, and Jake and I will prepare dinner, okay?" Michelle asked, stepping back from her mother to see her still red and puffy eyes. "Okay," She said with a small smile. Jake hugged her and walked with her to her room before disappearing.

Michelle turned towards the window. It was still early, and dinner wouldn't be for a while, so she and Jake had time to figure out what they were going to make. "She's watching a movie," Jake said as he emerged from the hallway. "Good. She needs the rest. Any ideas on what to make for Mum?" Jake shrugged, "I kinda feel like spaghetti and meatballs. Do you think we can make that?" Michelle nodded, "Yeah, it's Mum's favourite. Let me see if we have everything." She opened the fridge and looked around for all the ingredients they would need. She had made spaghetti and meatballs enough times that she knew the ingredients off by heart. Jake did too.

"We have everything but the meat. I'll run out to the butcher shop and grab some. I'll be back in like fifteen minutes. Look after Mum," She said as she grabbed her bag and wallet. She checked to make sure she had money before putting her wallet in her bag and flinging it over her shoulder, which was still damp from her mother's tears. "I will. Be quick," Jake said. "Don't worry I will."

She closed the front door behind her as she started to walk towards the elevator. As she waited for it to reach her floor she pulled out her phone, remembering that she said she would text Peter. The elevator arrived and she walked in and pressed the button all while still typing. "Hey. Mum is okay and we are both still alive. Be safe on patrol." She sent the message and put her phone back in her pocket.

There was a small butcher shop just across the street from where Michelle lived, so the trip there was easy. She crossed the street and soon entered the cold shop. There were freezers all around displaying various types of meat, and she headed over to the one that held the meat she needed for meatballs. "Michelle! What can I get for you today?" A voice called out. Michelle lifted her eyes and met bright blue crystal balls staring back at her. She tried not to groan. Urgh...He's working today...

"Just some of that ground beef please, Mark." She kept her tone flat and disinterested, ignoring the persistent gaze she could feel on her face. "As the little lady wishes," he said, smiling widely. Why does Mark have to be here today? Every time he is here he just stares at me and tries all of these ridiculous pick-up lines. I mean, he is nine years older than me and I know for a fact that he has a girlfriend. Honestly...

~Peter and Michelle - Book II~Where stories live. Discover now