Chapter 19

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"Petey, are you in there?" Evie called in a dreamy tone. "I was hoping I could get some alone time with you." She started to giggle, and Michelle felt like she might throw up after hearing it. Everyone stayed quiet, no one said a word, desperately hoping that she would give up and leave them. No such luck. "Come on, Peter. I know you want to." Peter looked so disturbed and uncomfortable by her words. How far is she willing to go? What is her deal, what is she trying to do?

No one moved, trying their best not to make a single sound to give away that they were in the room. Because Peter had sensed her coming before she appeared at the door, it's unlikely that she would have heard them all talking in the room. She knocked at the door again, but no one responded. Because the room was so silent, they were able to hear her start shuffling around outside the door. The handle started to jiggle, but the lock prevented her from opening it. She's trying to break into the room?!

All their expressions changed to startled. Peter walked away from the door as quietly as he could, and not even Michelle could hear his footsteps. He waved them both over to duck behind the beds. Both Michelle and Ned didn't hesitate to do as he asked, knowing to trust his instincts, as usually he was right. They were all crouched down between the two beds, Michelle the closest to the wall and Ned in-between her and Peter. Michelle lifted her head up just enough to see the light under the door, and to her horror, she saw Evie push her phone under the door with the camera open, trying to look into the room. Michelle ducked her head back as soon as she saw the phone.

She gestured to Peter and Ned to stay down and hidden. They stayed like that for a few minutes. And after a while they heard the shuffling at the door again. Michelle watched as Peter poked his head out from the bed to glance at the door. He listened, his enhanced hearing enabling to hear more than they could. He turned to them after a second, gestured and mouthed for them to stay there, before he stood up, placed one hand on the ceiling and lifted himself up until he was completely on the ceiling. His hair was falling back down towards them, but he stayed up there with ease. He crawled over to the door, not making a sound, and once he made it over to the door, he released his hands, hanging by his legs, and lowered himself until his eyes were aligned with the peephole.

He nodded after a moment before dropping back down to the floor. "She's gone." Michelle and Ned both released relieved sighs. "She was trying to get into the room!" Ned said, clearly startled. Michelle shook her head, "Well, that just proved that she's willing to go to extreme lengths to get what she wants, whether that be Peter or something else I'm not sure." Peter nodded and ran a hand through his hair. Michelle laid face down with a pillow under her chin on Peter's bed, her shoulders and back screaming in pain from having crouched down, and the stress wouldn't have helped either.

She felt Peter sit beside her, and very gently he started to rub her back. She thought that it would have hurt, the contact on her sensitive skin, but instead she found it strangely comforting. She relaxed into his touch and closed her eyes, her mind drifting off slightly. She listened absentmindedly as Peter and Ned talked about what had happened. "I think we definitely need to avoid all contact with her." Ned nodded, agreeing with Peter. "Let's hope she doesn't bother us at dinner again."

An idea came to Michelle's mind. "We could ask one of the teachers to sit with us. She might not try anything if our teachers were there." She kept her eyes closed, instead just listening to their responses. "That's an awesome idea!" Peter said. "We probably shouldn't ask Mr Harrington though, he'll probably try to talk to her or won't pick up that she's been bothering us," Ned added. "You're probably right," Peter said.

"I don't mind who. If we ask Ms Warren she'd probably pick up on it pretty quickly, and she'll probably want to know how my back is going as well. Coach would be fine as well. Although he is a little laid back, he doesn't take shit from anyone, so he'd probably snap at Evie as well." They agreed that they would ask whoever they saw first. They stayed in the room until it was time for dinner, so they got up, Peter still helping Michelle when she needed it, and eventually they made it down to the dining room to join their fellow classmates.

They sat down at their table, Peter beside Michelle and Ned opposite them. "Coast is clear so far," Peter said. "Oh look, it's Ms Warren. I'll go ask if she can sit with us, be right back." Ned got up from his chair to approach their teacher. Michelle readjusted herself so that she was sitting comfortably. Peter reached out and held her hand, rubbing the top of hers gently with his thumb. She smiled softly at him, which he returned. They didn't say anything, but they didn't need to, enjoying their company without needing words.

Ned came back a few moments later with Ms Warren. "Did you guys have a nice day today?" She asked as she sat beside Ned. Peter nodded, "Yeah, it was loads of fun." She turned to Michelle, "How are you faring today?" Michelle shrugged, only feeling slight pain when she did so. "I slept pretty much the whole day because I didn't sleep at all last night. The pain has gone down a bit though, so it's getting better."

"You are allowed to stay back as many days as you need to recover. And if you need any help or guidance you can come to me." Michelle smiled at their teacher. Even though she can come across as stern, she is actually one of the nicest teachers I've ever met... I wouldn't want to mess with her though. "Thanks, Ms Warren. I'll stay back tomorrow but I think I'll be okay after that."

"So what is this about a girl bothering you lot?" Ms Warren asked. "She started bothering us last night. She just won't leave us alone and can be rude. We've asked her to leave us alone but she doesn't," Peter explained. Ms Warren nodded, "Right, well make sure you tell me when she bothers you, and if it continues I'll talk to the resort staff." They all nodded and thanked her for her help.

When the tables with food came out everyone but Michelle got up to get some food, instead just asking Peter to grab her something. When he came back he gave her a plate of beef stroganoff, having a plate of it himself as well, and Michelle immediately started eating. They spoke about the trip and everything they liked about it so far with Ms Warren, and after a little while Michelle spotted a certain blonde head appear at the entrance to the dining hall. "She's here," Michelle said. Peter and Ms Warren both looked towards the door. "That's her?" Ms Warren asked, confirming that it was the blonde. The three of them nodded.

Evie put on that awful fake smile and started to make her way over, stopping at their table. "Hey, everyone. Don't worry, I'm here now." Can I punch her in the face? Evie looked at Ms Warren, who was eying her sceptically. "Could you move, I want to sit here." OOOOOHHH YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID THAT BITCH YOU ARE GOING DDOOOOWWWNNNN!!!!! Ms Warren widened her eyes at her, "No. You cannot. Why don't you run along and take your rude and entitled self somewhere else."

Evie visibly flinched, clearly taken aback by the teacher's unwillingness to do as she asked. She scoffed at Ms Warren, "Honey, I have more money than you've probably made your whole life, so I suggest you move." Ms Warren didn't miss a beat, "Right, so does your 'money' add an extra thirty years of experience onto your life and a qualification that gives you authority to look after kids and teenagers?" Evie flinched again, "N-no, but it does mean that I'm, uh-" Ms Warren didn't let her finish, "If I see you bothering these three again you'll have me to speak to. Run along now." The tone she dismissed her with was like she was talking to a second grader, which Evie clearly did not take kindly too.

She let out an agitated humph before turning around swishing her hair as she walked away. The three at the table sighed in relief, "Thank god, she's gone. Thank you so much Ms Warren!" Ned exclaimed. Michelle and Peter thanked her as well. "It's alright. I see what you were talking about. Let me know if she bothers you again. You guys finish eating, I need to make the rounds. Make sure to meet down here tomorrow by 8 boys." They waved their teacher goodbye as she got up, "Bye, Ms Warren, thank you!" They looked at each other and Michelle said with a low voice "Let's see how long she leaves us alone for now."

A/N- Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I'm curious, what are your guy's favourite colours?
Mine changes a lot but for a while I haven't been able to decide between yellow and red.

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