Chapter 26

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"I can't believe this! Why has nothing happened?!" Peter shouted in frustration, pacing around the room with Ned and Michelle watching him. Peter ran his hand through his hair, trying to calm down, but his inner-panic wouldn't cease. "I dunno, Peter. Like we said, something probably will happen soon enough, whether it be good or bad, with our luck though probably bad, but even so, we're going home soon," Michelle said, her tone calm, not wanting to set Peter off again. "It's been three days, and nothing has happened! We've just been here skiing and snowboarding and having fun while there is a murderer on the loose back home, someone was trying to kill me, and I'm not sure I even want to know what Evie is up to at this point!"

He let out a frustrated and heavy sigh before continuing his pacing. He was so lost in concerned thought that he didn't even notice his pacing had extended beyond the floor now. "Peter? Peter!" Ned shouted at him. Peter looked at him. Why are they upside-down? Oh no, did I- "I walked onto the ceiling again, didn't I?" Peter asked, looking towards his feet. "Yeah. Dude, you need to chill out. Hop down from there and we can figure this out," Ned reasoned. Peter nodded, bent over so that he could place a hand on the ceiling before releasing his feet, then dropping back down to the floor. "Sorry, I'm just freaking out a little."

Michelle pushed herself up from his bed and approached him. "It's okay," She wrapped her arms around his neck, her body warmth immediately providing comfort to him, "We're all a little on edge. Everything will work out, just try not to walk onto any walls or ceilings anywhere else, okay?" She asked with a slight chuckle. Peter released a much need laugh before relaxing into her further. "Okay. I'll try not to." He closed his eyes with his arms around her waist, not wanting to ever let her go. Every time he thought of what Evie might be planning on doing to Michelle, he got incredibly nervous and protective. It's also the reason why he had been staying very close to her and Ned, just so that he can make sure that they're safe.

Ned cleared his throat, "Ah-hem. Are you too done?" Peter and Michelle laughed, before Peter looked over to his best friend. "Come on, Ned. Group hug!" Michelle tried pulling away, "Oh god no! I don't want to be trapped between you two, you're all smelly!" Ned placed a hand on his chest, putting on a fake offended expression, "I beg your pardon? We do not smell!" Michelle laughed, "Yeah, you do. You both have been so worried that you forgot to take showers this morning and you've been sweating under your clothes from doing so much skiing and such." Peter laughed at the both of them, "How do you know we forgot to take showers?"

She shrugged against him, "Ned was easy, he still had dirt on his forehead from falling over yesterday. With you however, I could tell immediately because I know your scent and it was a little less 'Peter' this morning and a little more 'B.O.'" Peter laughed, "Is it bad?" She shook her head, "Neither of yours is bad, but I don't want you guys to combine smells and create a whole new form of torture." Ned and Peter both laughed, and after sharing a look, Ned came over and wrapped his arms around the both of them, "GROUP HUG!!!!"

Michelle squirmed, "NO! NO PLEASE! LET ME GO AAHHHHH!!!!" She tried to wriggle free, but with Ned blocking her and Peter's grip around her waist, there was no way she could escape. After a moment of Peter and Ned both laughing manically, they released her, to which she immediately ran to Ned's suitcase, grabbed out his deodorant and starting chasing them both down, trying to spray them. "Ahhh no! Cleanliness!! IT BURNS STOP I CANNOT BETRAY MY FILTH!!!!" Ned shouted, running into the bathroom and locking the door behind him before she could catch him. What has happened? What are we even doing- OH NO SHE'S AFTER ME!!!

Peter immediately jumped across the whole room, landing beside the window. Michelle approached slowly, her eyes locked on him, shaking the deodorant can slowly at him. Peter looked to his left, saw the window, and without a second thought, he pulled it open and jumped out. He heard Michelle gasp as he jumped, but as he flew outside, he twisted his body so that he was facing the building, thrusted his arm out and shoot a web at the roof, before pulling himself back towards the window. He swung back over before releasing his grip and landing on his hands and feet on the wall right beside their window. Thankfully it was pitch black outside, and Peter was wearing a black T-shirt with dark blue jeans, so it would be incredibly difficult for anyone to have spotted him. One thing he didn't think of though....

~Peter and Michelle - Book II~Where stories live. Discover now