Chapter 22

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Michelle spent the next day reading in her room while everyone returned to the mountain for more skiing. After her confrontation with Evie she had been able to fall asleep instantly from exhaustion, so she was able to stay awake during the day. Neither her, Peter or Ned spotted Evie at breakfast that morning, so they figured she had indeed been kicked out of the resort, which they were all thankful for. I still don't know what her problem was. Why was she trying to get Peter to herself? Was she trying to make me jealous? Why did she dislike everyone so much?

Michelle had her arms folded over her pillow mound, holding her book on the psychology behind why people believe in ghosts, and her head propped on the top so that she was keeping her back, shoulders and neck straight. She had asked Betty that morning to check on her bruise, to which she said that it was now turning yellow and was a little smaller, which meant that her resting was helping heal her bruise. At around 4pm she received a text message from Peter, saying that they were back and getting some food in the dining hall.

Deciding to go down and join them, she pushed herself off her bed, which thankfully wasn't too painful as her bruise didn't hurt as much anymore, and made her way over to her door. When she opened the door and stepped out, she heard sudden and frantic shuffling a few feet to her left. She looked over and saw someone wearing a black hoodie, covering their face, walking away from her. Oookkkaayyyyy... kinda sketchy, not gonna lie. She didn't know whether she was just seeing things for not, but it had looked like the person had been standing up from having been knelt down or something. What was that person doing outside Ned and Peter's door? Uh, I'm probably just seeing things.

She took the elevator down to the lobby and walked across the ground floor over to the dining hall, and again, Evie was nowhere to be seen. Michelle entered the dining hall and approached their table near the back of the hall where Ned and Peter were sitting. Immediately Michelle noticed that Peter's eye was swollen and purple with a cut on his cheekbone. "What did you do?" She asked him as soon as she sat down. Peter looked up at her, having been hunched over. "Oh, hey. Uh, well when we were skiing today Ned fell down after skiing over a rock, crashed into me and I fell face first onto a rock."

"Shit, you could have landed on your eye." He nodded, and Michelle could see that Ned had a guilty expression, "When I was falling I saw the rock, so I moved my head slightly so I just landed on my cheek bone instead. Hurt like hell though, considering we kinda flew through the air as we fell. Ned don't blame yourself, okay?" Ned perked his head up, "It's because of me that you got hurt." Peter shook his head, "I'm just glad that you're okay, you could have gotten really hurt. Plus, this will probably be healed by the morning." Ned nodded, his guilty expression fading a little. "Wish I had your enhanced healing," Michelle said, thinking out loud.

Peter glanced at her, or well, he tried to with his one good eye, "How's your bruise?" Michelle shrugged, glad it didn't hurt at all when she did that now, "It's definitely better. It's smaller and has turned yellow now." Ned smiled, "Hey, that means that it's nearly healed! Does it hurt as much anymore?" Michelle shook her head, "No. I should be able to join you guys tomorrow." Both boys smiled, and then proceeded to tell her about everything they had done that day.

By the time it got to dinner, Evie still was nowhere to be seen. Michelle didn't bother mentioning the person in the hoodie she had seen before she came down a few hours earlier, figuring that she was just overthinking it due to her constantly tired state. They all had dinner and enjoyed each others company. At one point, Michelle managed to pull Ms Warren aside and tell her that she would join in on tomorrow's activities. "Oh good! I'm assuming your bruise is better, then? Well, remember that if at any point tomorrow it becomes too much for you, you can sit aside until you feel better." Michelle had smiled at her, "Thanks, Ms Warren."

Eventually they all went up to bed, and this time Michelle didn't join Peter and Ned in their room, instead deciding to get a good sleep for tomorrow. Before she went to sleep however, she again asked Betty to check her bruise. "Sure, lift up your shirt," Betty said, getting up from her bed to inspect Michelle's back. Michelle did as she asked, lifting the shirt over her head and holding it to her chest. "Woah, it's even smaller than it was this morning! It's healing really well." Michelle sighed in relied, pulling her shirt back over her head, "Thank god."

"So, are you going to be joining us tomorrow?" Betty asked. Michelle nodded, "Yeah. I'm still going to take it easy, but I am finally going to leave the resort." Betty jumped happily, "Yay! You'll have so much fun. Come on, your going to need to rest up if you want to be in tip-top shape for tomorrow." Michelle nodded, agreeing with her. She walked over to her bed, climbed onto her comfy pillow mound, and to her surprise already felt sleep pulling at her, and it didn't take long until her eyes closed and her mind wondered off.

A/N- Hey guys, just another simple filler chapter today.

I did my first university errand yesterday, which was pretty cool, but because I was walking for about five hours straight it absolutely killed my feet and I have blisters. Yay, love that.

Did you guys know that the girl who portrays Betty in Spiderman Homecoming and FFH is actually Australian? AUSSIE PRIDE WOOOO!!!

Anyway, today I wanted to ask what your guy's favourite foods are. Mine is definitely my homemade tacos (I really love spicy food). Let me know in the comments below 😊

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