Chapter 31

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"You killed my son." Peter stared at the man. Simon Miller. That's who he is. His son, Bradley I think his name was, was that kid who got put into a coma after falling off a balcony, but how is that my fault? I've never even met him! "I-I'm sorry, but uh, how did I kill your son? He fell of a balcony. He's been in a coma. I saw that he passed away on the news, and I'm very sorry for your loss, but I had nothing to do with it. I'm just a kid." Peter felt the man's gaze intensify on him. "Don't lie to me. I know who you are. You're Spider-Man."

The blood drained from Peter's face, and he went pale. How-how does he know who I am? Evie knows who I am! Did she know who I was the whole time? HOW?! Deciding not to deny it, as it would probably be futile to, Peter said, "How do you know who I am? How did I kill your son?" Simon smirked, but there was no humour in the gesture.

"My son, Bradley, was the best son I could have ever asked for. I had been given two beautiful kids. While Evie was more like me, Bradley was more like his mother, and like her, he loved photography. And along with his love of photography, he also loved you. Loved Spider-Man. He wanted so desperately to get photos of you as you saved people, or as you swung around the city. Then, as he was trying to get a shot of you, he fell from that balcony. Because of you, my son was put in a coma. My precious son.

"I knew I had to get my revenge, for his sake. The same day that it happened, I had bumped into my friend Margret, who I knew from the numerous times we met while grocery shopping, and she mentioned that she knew who you were. So, I went over to her place, and she let me in. She got me a glass a milk because she knew I liked it, ha, so unsuspecting. I asked her who she thought Spider-Man was, and it turns out the stupid bitch was lying. She had no idea who you were. So, I grabbed one of her kitchen knifes as slashed her up a few times, but she just kept crying, so I grabbed her throat, and finally she shut up."

Peter shuttered as Simon spoke. Everything was starting to make sense. The pieces were started to fall into place, and Peter's fear of this man only grew with each sentence. This man was someone who was very dangerous, and he knew that he wasn't going to make it out of here without a fight. Peter didn't speak though, not wanting to interrupt Simon's monologing and miss pieces of the story.

"I remember it being really hot in her apartment. I guess that caused her body to decay faster or something? I'm no scientist, but the fact that those so called 'experts' said she had been dead for three days before she was found, when really it was only one, it through them off my tail. That kid, Joe, he never liked me. He knew that I had known her, and that I wasn't a suspect yet, so I knew I had to shut him up, but then he went missing. Tried to hide from me. Eventually I found him. I shut him up. Pretty sure they found his body the other day, but they didn't say on the news. Probably because everyone suspected him of being the murderer and they didn't want the public to know that there was still a murderer amongst them."

Peter felt himself getting a headache, the overflow of information making his head hurt. MJ must be pissed. She was sure that Joe was the murderer. Turns out we were all wrong. How long is he going to keep monologing for? Guess he likes talking.

"After I killed dear, dear Margret, I tried setting traps, but then that guy fell into it, and I knew you would be on the lookout for traps. Before I could get them all down, another woman fell into one, but I found her before anyone else did, so I hid her, but the police found her eventually. I was leaving too big of a trail. So, I changed my strategy. I started researching you. Then one day, you dropped down to the ground, and I happened to be nearby. I couldn't believe my luck. I knew I had to get close to you and see if I could find any hints towards your identity. You had mentioned something about a 'May'. At first, I didn't think much of it, but when I realised that we were in December, I thought that maybe this 'May', was a person."

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