Chapter 14

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Michelle followed Ned outside, glancing back at Peter once, seeing just his head perched above his bed, before she shut the door behind her. That was definitely one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. Her and Ned walked towards the elevator door and stepped inside when it reached their floor. They hit the ground floor and as the elevator began to move the silence that had fallen between her and Ned became even more awkward than it already was. Ned was the one to eventually break the silence. "So, uh, exactly what were you guys doing?" Michelle sighed, figuring that answering honestly was best.

"We had just been lying down, talking, and had gotten a bit caught up in the moment. We weren't going to do anything, if that's what you're thinking." Ned nodded and as the doors opened, he stepped out into the hall, waiting for her to follow. "Okay, well if you guys do plan on making out again, please do it when I'm nowhere nearby." Michelle laughed, "I don't think Peter and I will be doing that again any time soon. Neither of us are ready for that sort of thing, I can tell you that." Ned nodded, "Okay, I believe you."

They walked out of the hallway and spotted some of their classmates in a room across the other side of the lobby. They approached them, and when they walked through the doors they saw about ten tables that could each seat four people, with various groups split up among the tables, however no one had food yet, so Michelle assumed everyone had come down to wait. "Look, there is an empty table over there, next to where Jason and Abraham are sitting," Michelle pointed out.

Her and Ned walked over and sat down at the empty table, Michelle on one side and Ned sitting opposite her. "Hey guys, been down here long?" Ned asked their fellow decathlon team members sitting at the table beside them. Jason shrugged, "We've been down here for maybe half an hour. We were in our room, but they didn't have the Wi-Fi password. We came down here to get it and ended up just waiting in here. I mean, what hotel or resort doesn't leave the Wi-Fi password in each room. I mean, what kind of world are we living in?! Come on people, we may as well be living in the 13th century!"

Michelle and Ned both looked at each other, eyebrows raised, before looking back at Jason and Abraham, who was rolling his eyes at his friend's dramatics. Ned smiled, "Uh, yeah. I did the same thing earlier. Oh look, Peter's down." Michelle looked towards the rooms entry and saw her boyfriend walking over, clearly trying to act normal but instead looking like an awkward and nervous wreck. How are you a superhero and yet so awkward? She couldn't help but find him cute though.

When he spotted them he came over and sat down besides Ned. "Hey," He said as he sat down. Michelle saw Ned whisper something to him, causing Peter to blush like crazy, however Michelle didn't pick up what Ned had said. She brushed it off and looked around the room, spotting a small bookcase in the corner of the room, so she got up and walked over to it. As she searched through the books, looking for something she could read and pass the time, she heard Mr Harrington and the other teachers walk in. "Oh good, some of you are down here already. Good, good."

Michelle's eyes landed on a book that caught her interest, so she pulled it out and walked back to their table, sitting down and opening it to the first page. After a few moments she eventually managed to tune out all the noise and just focus on her book. She didn't even notice everyone getting up and walking over to the edge of the room until Peter and Ned sat back down and dropped food trays on the table. Michelle glanced up. A buffet table had been wheeled out and placed against the wall to her left. Ned and Peter had served themselves, but then she noticed a tray beside her.

As Ned began to hook into his food, Peter explained the tray to Michelle. "I didn't want to disturb you, because I know that you're pretty tired and such. I figured you would want to keep reading. They had lasagne, and I know that you like that so I got you some, along with some watermelon and apple juice." Michelle smiled at him. Wow, he is so sweet. He even remembered that watermelon was my favourite fruit and how much I liked apple juice. And man that lasagne looks nice. "Thanks, Peter."

He gave her a big and dorky smile that made his eyes disappear and his nose scrunch up. That's adorable. She flipped her book over and placed it down on the table so that she wouldn't lose her place. She started to eat, mouth watering just looking at it, and as the food hit her taste buds she smiled at how delicious it was. She slowly ate her food, again blocking out the noise of the loud room. When she did glance up at the two she saw that Peter was smiling at her enjoying the food he got her, however he was being abnormally quite, though he was probably just embarrassed still over what had happened.

When they finished eating everybody went over to a new table that had been brought out that filled with deserts. When she sat down with some apple crumble, Ned and Peter both having banana milkshakes, they again ate in silence. A few times Michelle caught Peter's eyes, and they both smiled sheepishly at each other. When everyone finished, Ms Warren stood in the middle of the room and clapped her hands thrice to grab everyone's attention.

"Okay, breakfast is served between 6:30 and 7am each morning, so tomorrow make sure you wake up in time or you won't be eating. We will be heading up one of the mountains tomorrow for skiing, and we're leaving at 8am sharp. Be waiting in the lobby to board the bus by that time or you will have to stay in the resort all day. You are all dismissed, and I would recommend you try and get a goodnight's sleep. Okay, off you go."

Everyone stood up, dropping their trays on a table beside the trashcans, and started making their way back up to their rooms. Michelle said goodnight to Peter and Ned before entering her room. Betty hadn't made it back from dinner yet, so Michelle took the opportunity to have a shower. She entered the bathroom, locking the door behind her and when she felt the warm water hitting her body she relaxed. She moved her hair out of the way and turned so that her back was facing the showerhead, letting the warmth spread to her neck. She winced at first, but soon relaxed again. If my neck keeps getting worse, I may need to see a doctor.

After washing her hair and cleaning herself she got out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. Using her other towel to wrap around and dry her hair, she stared at herself in the mirror, and winced when she saw some slight bruising on the left side of her neck, where the pain was most prominent. How on Earth has this happened? It only started to feel sore on the plane, I don't remember doing anything that could have caused the bruise. At least its only slight bruising, and it isn't purple or blue yet.

Throwing her pyjamas on, a tank top and some sweatpants, she left the bathroom after brushing her teeth and saw Betty on her bed. "Hey, did you enjoy dinner?" She asked. Michelle nodded, "Yeah, it was nice. They have pretty good food here." Michelle looked around the room and was relieved to see that Bettys clothes were now neatly sorted out by her suitcase, and not spread out across the room. Michelle bent down by her backpack to grab out her phone charger and a book to read. "Woah, how did you get that bruise?"

Michelle stood up and looked at Betty, slightly surprised she had noticed the small bruise. "Uh, I'm not sure. My neck has been sore all day but I only just noticed the bruise. It's only small so I'm sure its fine." Betty's eyes widened. "What do you mean small?" Now Michelle's eyes widened with worry. Betty got up and walked towards her, grabbing her phone out of her pocket. "Here," She said, grabbing Michelle's forearm and turning her around.

Michelle heard the shutter of a camera, and after hearing a few more Betty said "Okay, you can turn around." Michelle did as she asked and couldn't help but feel worried about what she was going to see. Betty tapped her phone a few times before turning it around and showing Michelle. A gasp fell from her mouth. "Oh my god." H-how did this happen?! How did I not see all of this earlier?! Contrary to Michelle's previous examination of the bruise, which she though only had covered a small area above her collarbone, the bruise ran over the top of her shoulder and down to the top of her shoulder blades, and it was a deep purple with a yellow tinge on the side. This is not good.

A/N- Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. More to come soon.

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