Chapter 29

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Michelle woke up early the last morning at she ski resort, but despite getting little sleep, she felt strangely light, like nothing could trouble her. The night before Peter had surprised her with a romantic dinner date, and she had such a wonderful time that her happiness still lingered. I still can't believe how nice last night was. It was by far the most romantic thing I've ever done, and I don't think I'll ever forget it. Michelle stayed in her bed, staring at the ceiling while thinking back on the night before. The food was so nice. How did Peter know I liked prosciutto chicken? I'm pretty sure I've never told him that before. Does he have some superpower I don't know of that allows him to guess what foods people love? I don't think so. I don't know whether this is a superpower or not, but holy god he looked handsome last night.

Michelle felt her cheeks warm thinking about it. I remember what he looked like at homecoming, how could I not with him wearing that tux? But something about him wearing just a dark button-up and jeans, really worked on him. Usually he's wearing sweaters or graphic T-shirts, and that's my preferred style on him, but wow he looked nice last night.

Michelle continued to stew over how her boyfriend looked for another twenty minutes or so, before she finally heard Betty stirring awake. Michelle glanced over and saw her pick up her phone and glare at the screen, before promptly deciding that she didn't need to wake up just yet, and crawling back under her covers. Michelle rolled her eyes, having witnessed Betty do that exact thing every morning of their trip. Deciding that she couldn't just lay down and think about Peter for another half hour, as appealing as that sounded, she got up and started to pack her suitcase.

Kinda weird to think that today we're going home. This trip has been a really cool experience, but I hope to god this whole Evie situation ends and we never see her again. Michelle furrowed her brows, still confused as to why Evie was doing everything at all. Despite having sat down with Ned and Peter, putting their heads together and desperately trying to think of who could be behind everything, they still had no clue who Evie was working with.

Michelle got up and went to the bathroom, having a quick shower before packing up her toiletries and putting them in her suitcase along with everything else. As Michelle zipped her bag shut, she heard a loud thud on the wall that separated her room with Peter and Ned's, quickly followed by a squeal and another thud. Betty's head propped up, clearly awoken by the noise, and looked around the room frantically, "Wahh? Who-whooo's there?" Michelle rolled her eyes again, "Nothing, I think those dorks are doing something stupid. You should probably wake up though, we'll need to be down in the lobby soon."

Betty nodded before slowly getting up and heading into the bathroom. After a moment, Michelle heard the water turn on. Michelle rolled her suitcase over to her bed, before sitting down on the edge and pulling out her phone. She spent a while scrolling through Reddit and looking at different conspiracy theories, determining whether she thought them true or not, until eventually Betty got out of the shower and started to pack. "Have you seen my purple sweater? I wore it two days ago, but I can't find where it is." Michelle pointed over to the corner of the room, and watched as Betty went over and inspected the small space, before pulling out a fluffy royal purple sweater, "YAY! Thank you!" Michelle shrugged.

It was another twenty minutes until they were both packed and ready to head downstairs, most of that time having been taken up my Betty looking for different things she had lost before Michelle found them in two seconds. Once they were done, they both neatened up the room before heading out into the corridor. Michelle looked to her left as she walked out and did a double take, seeing that Ned and Peter were already packed and ready to go. How is this possible? How have they managed to get ready in time? They have never done this before!

"Betty, I'll see you downstairs," Michelle said. "Okay, see you soon," Betty replied before rolling her two baby blue suitcases over to the elevators. Michelle walked over to Peter and Ned. "First question, how have you too gotten ready on time? Second question, what on earth was that bang and squeal that came from your room." Both of them turned a little red, and their expressions changed from proud to embarrassed. Ned was the first to answer, "Well, we both packed a little last night, after Peter came back from the dinner, so we had less to do this morning."

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