Chapter 8

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"Can you believe the trip is in two days?!" Ned asked Peter excitedly. Peter widened his eyes, staring at his best friend in shock. "It's two days away? Already! I completely forgot." I've been a bit.. pre-occupied. "Yeah. Remember we leave Thursday?" Peter nodded. "Times flies I guess." Peter let his head fall back against his bed, his back sinking into the comfortable mattress.

"How are you feeling?" Ned asked. Peter shrugged and thought back on his patrol earlier that evening. He had been swinging through Queens, focused on not only looking for people in trouble or people making trouble, but also looking for any traps possibly set for him. He was just passing Delmar's Deli/Grocery store when he saw someone run in wearing all black and wielding a gun.

Peter had immediately swooped in and disarmed the guy, but as he turned to see if Mr Delmar was okay, a sharp burning feeling suddenly exploded in his lower back. He had looked down only to find a small pocket knife wedged into him. The guy used the time that Peter had turned around to stab him and then flee. Peter knew that removing the knife would cause more damage and remove the pressure that was stopping him from bleeding profusely. 

He had ran from the shop the best that he could with a knife in his back, but couldn't see the guy who had stabbed him. "Karen, did you get any useful footage of that guy?" he had said at the time. "All I could capture was his eyes. Would you like me to look further into this and see if I can find any evidence to who he is?" She had responded. "Yeah, and do me a favour and call Happy, I cant show up at home with a knife in my back. May will freak." 

His suits AI agreed and Peter had started to walk towards an alley he could lay-low in until Happy showed up, but as he did so he had bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry bud. Have a" he has started to say before he noticed that something about the man looked familiar. He kept walking before Peter could look at him more, but his attention wasn't on that anymore, as he noticed his stab wound had started hurting a lot more. That man must have bumped it, he thought at the time.

Happy was able to take him to the Avengers facility where someone patched him up without him having to worry about his identify being exposed. He didn't think that his home-made paste would be able to fully heal a stab wound. Peter escaped before Mr Stark found out about it, as he didn't feel like suffering his wrath of disappointment and worry at that particular time, he had enough to worry about as it is.

Now he was resting carefully in bed, making sure to keep constant pressure on his wound that was now stitched up. Michelle had been worried about him when she found out he had been stabbed, however she was babysitting Jake and his best friend Nick, who were currently at their place, so she couldn't leave without bringing them with her if she didn't want to get a mouthful from her mother. Instead, Ned came by to look after Peter with May.

"I'm feeling okay, I guess. Just sore and tired. And stressed. Not only about the trip being so close and not being fully prepared but also about the person who wants me dead for some reason, and the fact that I have no clue who they are. So yeah, I'm okay." Peter hadn't meant to sound so sarcastic and snarky when he said it, and felt bad that he snapped at Ned, who had done nothing but look after him, but all the stress that was inside him had kept building up and up that it eventually had to come out.

After a moment Peter broke the silence, "Ned, I'm sorry. I'm just-" Ned interrupted him, "You're stressed out. It's okay. You should just get some rest." Peter smiled at his amazing best friend before nodding and closing his eyes, taking a deep breath. 

As he relaxed his mind wondered back to the guy he had bumped into. I know that I have seen him before, i just can't think of where...maybe...hmmm...I think I might have seen him on the news for something, but I can't remember what. Suddenly, his phone beside him started to ring. "Hello?" He said after picking it up, not looking at who was calling him. "Hey. How are you?" MJ. She called me because she's worried. I have such an amazing friend and girlfriend. 

"I'm okay. Just tired." He closed his eyes again and relaxed, listening to the sound of her voice. "That's good. I've been worried and Poptart and his trouble-maker side-kick have been driving me nuts. I wish I could have come." He sighed, feeling much more relaxed than he had been before. "It's okay. You'll see me alive and kicking tomorrow. Don't worry. Are you ready for the trip?" He heard her yell at Jake briefly for something before answering. "Yeah, I've packed all my clothes and everything else. You?" 

Peter felt embarrassed that he was so under-prepared compared to her. "Uh... sort of..." She laughed. "Right, so you haven't packed then? That's alright, you still have time. Right now you need to be focusing on recovering, okay? You should get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He nodded but then realised that she couldn't see his nod. "Okay. Night." 

"Goodnig- POPTART I SWEAR IF YOU DONT PUT THAT JAR DOWN IM GONNA SHOVE IT UP YOUR-" The phone beeped and Peter pulled it away from his year to see that the call had ended. Right...well, hopefully Jake and his friend are still alive tomorrow. I think they would rather be in my shoes that be on the receiving end of MJ's fury.

"Hey, Peter. Do you want me to pack some stuff for you so that it wont be so daunting tomorrow?" Peter felt so grateful that all he managed to say was, "How did I get so lucky to have you as my best friend? Like, seriously. What did I do to deserve you?" Ned laughed and got up to open Peter's closet. "I'll take that as a yes then. You sleep, I'll get started on this okay?" Peter was about to respond but his exhaustion from the day had finally caught up with him, and he fell asleep before he could say anything, his mind slipping away into the blissful land of dreams.

A/N- Hey guys! The next chapter will be when the gang finally go to the ski resort. I've really been struggling to upload more chapters of this, I'm just constantly tired all the time. 13 years of schooling really is exhausting.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, a lot is coming soon so be ready for that. If you enjoyed it, please vote, comment your thoughts and follow me for updates!

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