Chapter 20

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Peter, Ned and Michelle all went back to the boy's room after dinner, thankfully without having any more encounters with a certain blonde-haired nightmare, Evie. Peter gave Michelle another piggyback ride back up to the third floor. She said that her back was feeling better, but didn't refuse Peter's offer. Peter felt glad to help relieve her of any pain, whether it be large or small, so he didn't mind taking her upstairs at all. When they were in the elevator, Michelle giggled lightly in his ear. "What?" He had asked her. "Nothing, you just have this adorable freckle on your neck." Peter had smiled wide, finding both her giggling and the way she spoke the cutest thing he had heard. Ned cringed, and both of them immediately felt a little awkward for always making him the third wheel. "You guys are so cute, but sometimes so cringy." Peter and Michelle laughed, Ned joining them.

When they made it back to the room, Michelle laid down on Peter's bed, Ned sat in the reading chair, which he said was more comfortable than it looked, and Peter sat crossed-legged on Ned's bed. Ned and Peter were going over everything they had done during the day, and later decided to go over the rest of the footage they recorded on the GoPro. Ned hooked it up to his laptop and so that they could watch on a larger screen, all of them laughing whenever Ned or Peter fell. After a while, Michelle's phone started to ring.

"Hey, Poptart," She said when she answered. Oh, Jake! I've been wondering about how he's doing. "Yeah, I'm gonna put you on speaker," She said, before taking the phone away from her cheek, pressing a button on the screen before setting it down beside her. "You're on speaker," She said. "HI PETER HI NED!!!" Jake shouted from the phone immediately, causing Michelle to grab her ears, as the phone was still quite close to her. Both Ned and Peter smiled at Jake's response. "Hey dude!" Ned called back. "Hey Jake, how are you?" Peter said. "I'm good. How is your trip so far? Me and Mum are so jealous!"

"The trip is okay, Ned and Peter had fun skiing today." Michelle said. Peter looked over and saw her eyes were closed and a tired expression on her face. She must have gotten tired after eating. She should probably head back to her room soon, so that she can get some rest and let her shoulder heal faster. "What about you?" Jake asked, picking up from Michelle's tone that something was wrong. "I didn't go. A whole bunch of blood vessels popped in my neck and shoulder, so I've got a massive and insanely painful bruise. I probably won't be joining them for another day."

"Oh crap, have you told Mum?" Jake asked. "No, she'll freak out. Just tell her that I woke up with a sore shoulder, don't tell her about the popped blood vessels. She'll think I'm dying." Michelle said, yawning throughout the last sentence. "You're not, are you?" Jake asked, his voice boyish and worried. Michelle chuckled, "No, I'm already getting better. What's been going on at home?" Oh, Ned and I never told her about what's been happening back home. I wonder if Jake knows?

Peter's question was answered pretty quickly. "Well, did you hear about that possible murderer guy going missing?" He asked. "What?" Michelle said, opening her eyes. "Actually, Peter and I found out about that earlier from my Mum, but we got so caught up in everything that we forgot about it," Ned explained. "What happened?" Michelle asked, clearly intrigued. "That guy who was suspected of killing his neighbour, he's gone missing and his apartment is abandoned. No one has seen him in days."

Her mouth dropped. "I knew that guy was suspicious. I'm gonna look into it a bit before I go to sleep." Jake spoke up from the phone again, "Everyone is talking about it here. And also, I found out from my friend Nick's older brother, but a hole was found in a fence in your school, and they think that someone hacked into the school's database. No one knows what for yet, though." Ned, Peter and Michelle all looked to each other. "The hole. That hole in the fence showed up the day that the car was rammed into the front gate. So they did get into the school!" Peter said, slightly startled.

"This is intense," Ned said. "Does anyone know what they were trying to find from the school's database?" Michelle asked her brother. "Not yet, but police are looking into it." Maybe I should ask Mr Stark if he could look into it. I know my way around a computer, but since we're away... maybe not actually, it might not be that serious that I need to ask that of him...

"Wow. Okay, well, is anything else going on?" This time Peter answered, "That guy who fell from a balcony is still in a coma and that dog who stopped a mugging got an award." She nodded, "Is that everything, Poptart?" Jake's voice sounded around the room again, "Yeah. Pretty much." Michelle nodded again, "Okay, well how has school been?"

"Pretty good, me and Nick have been practicing basketball everyday, we're both getting pretty good. Oh, Mum is calling me. I'll call you later, okay Mitchie?" Michelle nodded, "Okay, glad you're having a good time. Stay safe!" Peter and Ned both said, "Bye Jake!" at the same time. Michelle picked up her phone to end the call, before dropping it beside her again and sighing heavily. "MJ, you should go to bed," Peter said, her yawn further proving his point. She nodded, and slowly lifted herself up. "Okay... I'll see you guys at breakfast tomorrow."

When she got to her feet she stood at the foot of Ned's bed, staring at Peter. She didn't make any movements, so Peter pushed himself up with an amused smile, stood on his knees on the bed, hobbled over and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. She smiled at him when he pulled away. "Sleep well," Peter said. She nodded again, and turned to the door. "Hope you feel better, MJ!" Ned called. She turned around and smiled at him, "Thanks, Ned. Night guys." Then she opened the door and stepped out of the room. Peter turned to speak to Ned, however was interrupted when he heard sudden shouting come from outside the door, and it only took two seconds for Peter and Ned both to recognise who's voice the shouting belonged to. Peter gasped. MJ!

A/N- Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Just a simple one for today, I've been quite busy so I wasn't able to get this out on time, and although its shorter than normal I hope you guys liked it.

I also wanted to ask whether you guys wanted to have more action/Spiderman parts in this book, because so far it's mainly been them as normal teenagers. If you do want some more action sequences and such, let me know and I'll work some in.

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