NY: Surprise

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They'd spent a few hours in companiable silence, Eddy reading scores and Brett browsing on his phone and playing the violin. Eddy was feeling a lot better for it. 

It was almost evening when Brett turned to Eddy and said:
¨I have a small surprise for you.¨
¨What? Why?¨
¨What¨, Brett grinned broadly, ¨I need a reason to treat my man? Come on, you should wear your suit.¨

His suit?! What had he planned?
Eddy looked at Brett, who was smiling from ear to ear. When had he found time to orchestrate a surprise?
¨You, my man, are the best boyfriend in the world.¨
¨Yeah, yeah¨, Brett scoffed. ¨Just wait until we're there to see if you like it!¨

Eddy dug his suit out of the bottom of his suitcase. He'd almost not brought the wretched thing: for these concerts at least they did not have to wear anything uncomfortable and constricting! But he was glad now that he had, and quickly slipped into it.

As they emerged into the street Brett lead the way to a small restaurant nearby. When they walked in Eddy realised that it was a Chinese place, and he fought back a smile.
The restaurant was pleasant and atmospheric, red paint on the walls, Asian paintings everywhere, the only light coming from the small lamps in the ceiling and the candles burning on the tables.
They sat down in a corner, close enough to the window to be able to see the crowded street, but far enough away that it was quiet and cosy.

Without any word from them a waiter appeared with two glasses of wine. He didn't bring menus, so Eddy wondered if Brett had already ordered beforehand.
Wow. He'd seen Brett woo girls before: he knew he was a romantic. But to be the one wooed? It was something else. 
His suspicions about ordering were quickly confirmed when chicken hotpot made its way over to the table a few minutes later, and this time he couldn't stop himself and he grinned.
Brett smiled at him and asked:
¨You good?¨
¨Very good. You're awesome¨, he whispered back. ¨This is a great suprise.¨ He reached and found Brett's hand under the table, stroking the top with his thumb. 
¨Cool¨, Brett said, an enigmatic smile around his lips. What was he playing at?

The food was fantastic. Wow, they really knew their stuff here. It tasted like they were in China.
They sat in easy silence, enjoying their food. They knew each other inside and out: they did not need to fill every second with chatter.
When the last morsel of hotpot had been devoured Brett lead Eddy back out of the restaurant and turned left.
Eddy was sure their hotel was right, but he followed dutifully, wondering what Brett was up to. 
They walked for a while, chatting about the videos they would make the next day, Eddy happily taking Brett's hand again, until they were faced with a small concert hall.
A concert hall?! What?

Brett walked them in. It was a high ornate space, almost baroque in appearance. There was a marble reception desk to the left, and right in front of him was a giant poster, dated today.
Oh my God, it was the Sibelius violin concerto.
¨I thought you might like some more listening¨, Brett whispered.
Eddy's heart jumped. Of all the lovely things.
He enveloped Brett in a fierce hug, and kissed him on the lips. He knew they could be seen but he gave precisely zero fucks about that.
¨I love you so much. You know that, right?¨
Brett looked at him warmly, and kissed him again chastely.
¨Let's go in!¨ he said, enthusiastically.

They had got there just in time, the hall was fairly full. They found their row and sunk into the plush red seats just as the orchestra started tuning. Eddy breathed deeply. A tuning orchestra, red seats? This was home. 

The concert was amazing as well. He'd never heard of the soloist before, but she was absolutely brilliant. A young woman, quite recently graduated, yet she played the piece with such lyricism, such roundess of tone, such elegance of lines. He loved it. He would never, ever get tired of hearing this concerto. 
He did not let go of Brett's hand once, and as the final chord sounded and the applause came he turned to him, beaming, a small tear in his eye. He felt reinvigorated, and so happy. 

¨Best. Suprise. Ever. Thank you.¨ he said, ever so lightly brushing his hand over the front of Brett's trousers, feeling him react instantly.
¨Let's get back to the hotel, and I'll give you a proper thank you.¨

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