Brisbane XXIV

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The nurse smiled at him kindly as she led him into the operating theatre. 
¨You can sit over there, next to ms. Chen.¨
Eddy quickly swallowed down the nerves. He had never been to an operating room, nor had he ever had any desire to, despite what his mum might have hoped. Everything was white here, and the smell of desinfectant was ripe in the air. The machines looked scary, and there were people in green scrubs everywhere. He could clearly see that it was a well-oiled machine in here.  Belle was there, of course, lying on a table, a blue sheet hanging up over her belly, so that when he sat next to her he couldn't see what they were doing.
He was glad. He wasn't sure if he could stomach watching them cut his sister. 

¨Hey, sis, howsit?¨
She looked at him with feverish eyes, but she seemed a bit better to Eddy. Maybe knowing that it was almost done gave her strength?
Eddy reached for her swollen hand and looked down at it, softly rubbing the top of it with his thumb. He was just going to focus on Belle, for now. 
¨Do you know why I sent Steve away, Eddy?¨ 
Her voice was soft, but it sounded like Belle. 
He looked up in surprise. What? They were having this conversation now?
¨Er, I have an inkling, but why?¨
She sighed once.
¨It's because... Like, I didn't tell you about him because... I really, really like him. And I feel like our relationship can only properly start when this process is done. And...¨
He could see her hesitation and he waited patiently for her to find her words.
¨And because... Eddy, I've been thinking that maybe one day I do want to do this again, with Steve, and then it needs to be the first time he's seen me do this.¨
What?! This one he had not seen coming. Belle changed her mind about this? Now, this was a first. Belle wanted to be a mother, some day? For real?
She smiled, interpreting his face correctly.
¨I know, right? But Eddy... this surrogacy, it's been a real game changer. It's... it's shown me something I didn't know existed, it's made me feel things I never thought I'd feel. I know you're thankful to me, but to be honest I can't thank you guys enough for giving me this experience.¨
Eddy didn't even try to swipe away the tear that flowed over his cheek as he leaned over and hugged her tight. 

¨Okay, ms. Chen, can you feel this?¨ the doctor asked, peering over the blue sheet.
¨Feel what?¨ she asked.
The doctor smiled. ¨Good. We're going to start now.¨
Belle sighed deeply and closed her eyes. Eddy tried very hard not to fall off his stool. Jesus. They were really doing this. In a minute, his babies would be born. He kept his eyes resolutely on Belle, his free hand grasping the rail of the table until his knuckles were white, and tried to hang on to his consciousness with all his might. 
The doctors, or whatever they all were, he really had no idea, spoke in soft but sure tones. 
¨Baby one, 02:43!¨ someone called. 
And then... and then time stood still and there it was. The smallest, the tiniest of cries. Eddy's eyes opened wide as he stood up automatically and peeked over the sheet, where the nurse held up the smallest, most beautiful baby boy to him. Eddy clamped his hand over his mouth, tears streaming down his cheeks.
¨Oh my God.¨ he whispered. ¨There's actually a baby.¨
He looked down at Belle.
¨Belle, there is a baby!¨
The smile on her face was like nothing he'd seen before. 
The nurse took the baby off to the side and dried him off, wrapping him firmly in some sort of soft cloth. 
¨Baby two, 02:45!¨ 
His head whipped back. What, already? But yes, there she was, his daughter. So small, it was unbelievable, but she cried, and she looked absolutely perfect. Nothing in the world could ever be more perfect. 
¨Oh, Belle...¨ he whispered, sitting back down and putting his head against hers, his tears flowing onto the white sheet her head lay on. 
Two nurses came and brought the wrapped babies to either side of them, smiling broadly.
Belle looked at them both with that very special smile he'd never seen before, and she stroked them sweetly over their each of their cheeks. 
Then she looked at Eddy again.
¨Yeah big bro. They're perfect.¨

¨Okay, mr. Chen, it's best if you come with the babies while ms. Chen gets stitched up.¨ the nurse with the kind smile said.
He shot a questioning look at Belle.
¨Yeah, Eddy, go! I'm fine.¨
Eddy got up and gave her a quick hug.
¨I'll see you soon, sis.¨
He followed the nurses, who were pushing the plastic bassinets with the babies in them through the hall.
¨Where... where are we going?¨ he asked softly.
¨We're going back to ms. Chen's room, for now.¨ the nurse with the kind smile said. ¨The babies are doing well, so we're hopeful that they can stay with you and won't need extra care. But the doctor will come and explain everything to you.¨

As soon as the door opened and Eddy saw Brett's pale, tear-streaked face he ran into Brett's arms.
¨Brett... they're okay. They're okay. Belle's okay too, I think.¨
¨Oh thank God.¨ Brett croaked, his whole body sagging with relief. Eddy held him tight so he wouldn't fall and they stood like that for a long moment,  Eddy rubbing Brett's back, willing him to be okay, before he spoke.
¨Come on, my love. Come meet your children.¨
With Eddy's hand firmly in his Brett moved to the little plastic bassinets. His other hand was clasped firmly in front of his mouth now, new tears flowing from his eyes, but these weren't tears of worry anymore. These were tears of love and gratitude. Then he looked at Eddy with eyes as deep as the sea.
¨Oh my God, Eddy...¨ 
Eddy smiled. ¨I know, my love, I know...¨
He put his arm around Brett's shoulders and together they stood, looking at their children, the nurses still busying themselves around the bassinets. 
¨You can touch them, you know.¨ the kind nurse said to Brett. 
He looked at her, almost as if he didn't understand he really could. That they were really his. But then he tentatively extended his hand and stroked the tiny boy over his little cheek.
¨They are so small...¨ he whispered. ¨They are so perfect.¨

The door opened then and the doctor came in. 
¨Hello, dads.¨ he said kindly. ¨So. It's all looking pretty good. The injection has done its work and both babies are breathing okay. Their weights are pretty good for their term and their Apgar scores were very good. For now they can stay with you, and if everything continues on like it is at the moment, it should be a smooth ride. Ms. Chen is in recovery now and will join you when she's fully with it again. She should start feeling better soon.¨
Eddy had to stop himself from throwing his arms around the doctor. 
¨Thank you so much, doctor.¨ 
¨You're very welcome, mr. Chen.¨

When the doctor closed the door behind him Brett looked at him again, his face elated. 
¨They're here, Eddy. They're really here.¨
Eddy wanted to smile, but instead he unexpectedly began to weep. It was like the strength that had propelled him forward for all these hours suddenly waned, and he sagged against Brett, sobbing into his neck. 
¨I was so scared, Brett.¨ he whispered between sobs. 
¨I know, my love. But you were our rock, as always. I can't thank you enough for that.¨
¨It's me who's thanking you, Brett.¨ he said as he felt himself calming slowly, the dry sobs still moving his chest. ¨Without you these babies would not be here.¨
¨Mr. Chen, mr. Yang?¨ the nurse with the kind smile said softly. ¨Would you like to sit and hold your babies? You can take your shirts off, skin to skin contact is good for them.¨
Eddy nodded quickly and took the blue top off in one movement, sitting into a chair, pulling the other one close so Brett could sit next to him.
The nurses each picked up a child and brought them over. Eddy held his breath as the nurse softly placed the little girl in his arms, against his chest. 
Oh my God. She was so tiny, her weight so slight, and yet she and her brother were the biggest thing, the most important thing he'd ever experienced in his life. 
Eddy stroked his daughter's cheek softly. 
¨Hi, Elly.¨ he whispered in her ear. ¨You're beautiful. You're going to be the most spoiled girl in the history of forever.¨
Brett bent forward to kiss his son, that he was holding carefully against his bare chest. ¨Hi Eli. Never has anyone been more welcome than you.¨ 
They sat there for ages, the babies calmly sleeping in their arms, until the door opened and Belle was wheeled back into the room in her bed.
¨Belle! Finally!¨ Eddy got up quickly, waking Elly up in the process. ¨Are you okay?¨
She gave him a small smile. ¨Yeah, hi, bro. I'm a bit better. Doctor says it'll take a couple of days before I'm back to normal.¨
Eddy walked over to hug her, awkwardly holding his baby girl in his other arm.  
¨Wow. I wonder what it will be like when you're normal, Belle.¨
He could feel her grinning, and he could hear Brett grinning behind him. In the end, there was nothing like a bit of humour to break the tension, right? 
¨In all seriousness though, Belle. I'm eternally grateful to you.¨
She eyed him earnestly.
¨You know we're good, big bro. Now, I'd like to finally properly see my niece and nephew!¨

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