Brisbane XI

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Brett and Eddy both hugged Belle so tightly by the door that she giggled. 
¨Erm, guys, I'd still like to breathe if that's okay. Pretty sure it doesn't help the pregnancy if I suffocate.¨
Eddy grinned and loosened his grip, but he still kept his arms around her. 
¨You're the best, Belle, the absolute best.¨ he mumbled in her ear. 
¨Yeah, yeah, I know. Well, I'll see you both same time, same place in two days, okay?¨
They let go of her and nodded. ¨Okay.¨
She kissed both of them on the cheek, picked up her bag and slipped her feet into her ballerinas. ¨Bye!¨ she called as she made her way out the door. 

The silence after she left was deafening, both men just staring at the open door, seemingly frozen in time. Eddy shook his head in disbelief at everything that had just happened, while Brett unfroze first and closed the door. Then he turned around, his eyes wide and staring, his face slightly pale. 
¨Wow.¨ he breathed. ¨Just... wow.¨
¨Yeah¨ Eddy whispered back. 
¨Wanna go for a walk?¨
Eddy nodded. ¨Sure.¨

They were still quiet and lost in thought, processing everything, as they walked through the park side by side. It was the same park Brett had taken him to to hear the string quartet, and Eddy smiled fondly when he saw the gazebo. He looked around him quickly. There was no one around, so he took Brett's hand for a moment and stroked it with his thumb. 
¨Come on, we have to get shooting.¨ he said then. They had about four videos planned in their studio today, so they really had to get going. 
¨Yeah.¨ Brett said. ¨It'll be weird to act like nothing's strange in front of the camera!¨
¨I agree. I feel like nothing's normal, to be honest.¨

Actually, Eddy had to admit as he shut down the equipment after video number four, he'd enjoyed it. He enjoyed having this great big whopping secret thing going on in their lives that no one apart from them knew anything about. Just Brett, and Belle. They'd been fine in front of the camera, of course. They knew what they were doing. 
Brett grinned at him.
¨Yeah, very happy.¨
He had to check himself for a moment. Because he knew what he really wanted after everything that was said and done today: he wanted to jump Brett and take him to bed. But he couldn't, because Brett needed to save himself for the next donation. So instead he just walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. 
¨Let's go get some bubble tea, yeah?¨
He didn't fool Brett, of course, who took him at arm's length and looked him up and down, his eyebrows knitting together. 
¨Fuck, Eddy, I didn't think. What we did earlier... we didn't do anything for you.¨
Eddy shook his head straight away.
¨No, don't worry! I'm fine.¨
Brett actually rolled his eyes at him.
¨Eddy, seriously. I don't expect you to do that to me and not be affected. I should have thought about it earlier.¨
Eddy shook his head again.
¨No, you shouldn't.¨ His voice was soft. ¨It wasn't about me.¨
Brett's eyes were wide.
¨What? Eddy! Fuck, mate, of course it was about you as well. I just wasn't thinking, and that makes me an idiot. I'm really sorry.¨
¨It's fine, I shouldn't... ¨ Eddy started, but Brett interrupted him.
¨No, it's not, and I won't forget that again. Now, I'm happy to go get bubble tea in a minute, but first things first.¨
He grinned at Eddy as he dropped to his knees and opened Eddy's trousers. He looked up at him again, always the gentleman, making sure that Eddy was okay with what he was about to do. Eddy sighed as his body stirred deliciously, surrendering himself finally to the moment as he put his hands in Brett's hair. 

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