Brisbane: News

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 They had worked very hard for the last few days, saying to each other that this was because they wanted to fill out their back-log a bit more. But Eddy was well aware that they were both still tense, and they had simply thrown themselves into work. Like they always did. Because Eddy had to admit that, despite the occasional stressy bout, he loved working, and Brett was the same, he knew. 
Belle was doing okay, though. There had been a little bit more bleeding but not like it had been on that tense day. Eddy had visited her every day, making sure she had everything she needed, even if she kept telling him she was fine, she was a big girl. He didn't care. If he could do nothing else, he could take care of her, so nothing was going to stop him from going there and doting on her. 

Today was finally the day that they would go to the doctor again; the appointment where they would find out if everything really was okay. He looked over at Brett, hunched over the laptop, and he smiled. His focused frown, his weary eyes, which often looked like that even if he wasn't weary at all, his flop of dark, dark hair, tousled in all directions because he'd gone straight from the bed to the studio, his glasses which needed adjusting; he kept having to push them back on his nose. 
Oh, how he loved that man. And, hopefully, soon there'd be three of them in this house. His heart would have to expand to make room to love someone else just as much. He could hardly imagine that being possible. 
He looked at the clock again. Only an hour to go until they set off for Belle's. He sighed once and bent forward over his keyboard to do something useful again. 

See? Working helped, because the next time he looked up it was pretty much time to go.
¨Shall we head out?¨ he said, and Brett looked up quickly and nodded. 
Eddy shot a sideways glance at his silent husband as they walked to the car; waves of tension were rolling off him like the surf on their beloved Maldives beach. 
¨It'll be okay, Bretty. You'll see.¨
¨Do you promise?¨ Brett asked as he turned to him, his eyes wide.
He couldn't, really. He wasn't sure himself. But he knew that that wouldn't be a useful thing to say right about now. 
¨Yes, I promise.¨ 
He put his hand on Brett's shoulder and gave it a little squeeze, and then he walked around the car to get in himself. 
He turned on the stereo, thinking some music might relax them some. Personally, he wouldn't have minded some BTS in this moment, but he knew that wouldn't be the best choice for Brett. So he settled for the Mendelssohn string quartet he knew Brett loved, and when Brett heard the first chords he gave him a grateful smile. 

It was a short drive, and as soon as they rolled into Belle's street he could see that once again she was waiting outside her door, looking a lot more relaxed this time. She looked in control, and Eddy was glad. 
¨Hey, sis!¨ he called as she opened the door and got in. ¨All good?¨
¨Yes, I'm fine. Feeling fucking sick, though. I threw up twice this morning.¨ She produced a plastic bag from her purse to show she'd come prepared. ¨Whoever came up with the term 'morning sickness', I'd like to have a word with them. And then wring their neck.¨ She snorted derisively. ¨I'm absolutely positive it was a man who came up with that term.¨
¨I'm so sorry you feel bad, sis.¨ Eddy said. What else was he going to say? He felt seriously guilty. Here they were, happily working and living their normal life, and she was throwing up. For them. Fuck. 
¨It's fine, Eddy. It's just a few weeks.¨ she said, her tone making it clear that's all she had to say about that topic. Eddy nodded quietly. 

A few minutes later they all walked into the sterile building in silence; they didn't need to say anything to know that they were all nervous. 
Mercifully they didn't have to wait long before they were shown into a small room again with one of the fun chairs. Eddy caught Belle eyeing it wearily.

¨Good morning everyone!¨ the doctor said as he came in, his tone cheery. ¨How have you got on?¨ 
¨Pretty good, I think.¨ Belle said. ¨Not very much bleeding anymore and I've been feeling so sick, it's just not funny. You said that was a good sign.¨
The doctor nodded, his eyebrows knotting just a little. 
¨Just in the morning, or outside of that as well?¨
¨Morning, noon and night at the moment.¨ she said, her tone resigned. 
The doctor nodded again, his eyes not giving anything away. 
¨Okay! Well, let's just check you out with the ultrasound. You know the drill now, you get settled while the men wait?¨
Eddy got up instantly and together they left the room for a moment. He took Brett's hand as soon as the door closed behind them and he smiled encouragingly. 
¨It'll be fine.¨ he said, to Brett and to himself. 

The doctor let them back in and prepared the ultrasound wand. Eddy could hardly breathe. 
The screen popped to life again, showing its white noise and strange shapes. 
Yes! There it was! Was it? It looked different from last time, but then... it would, after a week? Wouldn't it?
Suddenly the doctor inhaled sharply and Eddy's heart seemed to stop for a moment. 
What? What did that mean? He looked at the doctor with frightened eyes. Brett took his hand and held it tight. 
¨Is everything okay?¨ he managed then, his voice croaky. 
The doctor cleared his throat. 
¨Yes, I think so.¨ he said then. ¨But I do have some news.¨ He looked at all of them in turn, his eyes coming to rest on Belle's face. 
¨Right. It looks like you're having twins.¨

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