Canada part 3

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¨What the fuck happened, last night?¨
Ibo's voice, usually calm and sarcastic, sounded concerned over the phone. 
Eddy was quiet for a moment. What was he going to tell him? They'd quickly told them a little bit about the situation before they'd headed off last night, they couldn't just leave the crew in the nightclub with the guy there. But he'd been in no state to go into the details. 
He sighed. 
¨Sorry mate, to take off on you like that. There was a guy, threatening us because we were together.¨
He could feel Ibo's explosion of rage through the phone, before he heard it. 
¨What the fuck?!¨ Ibo half shouted. 
¨Yeah¨, Eddy said calmly. ¨We left, we didn't know what else to do. We're okay, though.¨
He heard Ibo breathing deeply, and he knew he was calming himself down. Ibo was very laid back, but he could be a bit more volatile than Brett or him. 
Then his voice came again. 
¨Eddy. So help me God. Next time something like this happens, you come to me
¨He was real big, Ibo.¨
¨Don't give a fuck.¨ Ibo grumbled. ¨What's he gonna do against all of us? You touch my friends, you touch me. Okay?¨
His words touched Eddy deeply. Ibo was clearly willing to put himself in harm's way to protect them. They had some awesome friends. 
¨Thank you, Ibo¨, he whispered. ¨I guess we just panicked. Next time we'll handle it differently.¨
¨Well, hopefully there won't be a next time¨, Ibo said, voice still gravelly. 
¨Yeah. Let's hope so. But...¨ he paused. ¨Ibo? Your support means a lot.¨
¨Oh, fuck off mate¨, Ibo responded, sarcastic tone back now. ¨See you in the venue in a bit, 'kay?¨
Eddy smiled. ¨'kay.¨

Brett was looking at him from the bed. ¨All good?¨
¨Yeah. Ibo was pretty pissed.¨
¨I could hear that from here!¨ Brett said, with a wry smile. 

They walked downstairs and sat in companiable silence, eating eggs on fluffy bread. 
¨We should shoot some videos today¨, Brett said after a while. ¨I was thinking we could do a charades, about countries. I mean, we've seen enough of them? We can get one of the crew to make us 24 pieces of paper or something.¨
¨Love it! Let's do it! We could also do one at some point about emotions, like the editor could put the emoji's up or something.¨
¨Cool! We'll have to make sure we do it before the light runs out, though. It's gonna get dark at four.¨

The walk to the venue wasn't that comfortable. Eddy still felt a bit skittish, but he called himself to order. Fuck's sake, you gonna let one horrible guy dictate how you feel on the street? He really wasn't. So he just breathed through the scared feeling and tried to enjoy the chilly Canada morning. 

Ibo surprised them by coming up to them and giving them both a rough bro-hug as soon as they walked in.
¨Glad you're in one piece¨, he gravelled, before moving away again, Eddy looking after him in surprise. 

The venue was good and the people were cooperative. Eddy arranged most things with the venue today, and when he looked out of the corner of his eye he saw Brett typing on his laptop, the screen turned away from where he was. 
What was he arranging on his laptop? 
They rehearsed with the lovely Sophie, and they felt confident that everything was in place, so they got ready to head back to the hotel and start shooting there. 

¨I'm just going toilet before we head off, okay?¨ Brett said. 
He was going to the toilet? Now? Even though they would be in the hotel in like five minutes? That was weird. 
Brett walked off, Eddy's eyes following him. He just about saw him taking his phone out of his pocket, before he rounded the corner. 
What was he planning? He could only imagine it might be for a present or something? Or maybe he was just imagining things. He resolved to leave it alone though, for now. His birthday was soon. He could wait a couple of days. 

Back at the hotel, charades turned out to be hilarious. Eddy didn't know what had gotten into Brett, but he was quite distracted and said some very funny things. 
The funniest moment came when Eddy drew 'Italy'. So he played 'La donna e mobile', which was absolutely the most Italian thing he could think of. Brett flailed around for an answer and in the end said: ¨England?¨
Eddy could just picture the memes that would be made, now, and he couldn't stop grinning, every time he thought of it. 

Once the natural light ran out put away all the equipment and then they cuddled together on the couch and ordered some take out. 
No prizes for guessing what kind. 
¨You okay?¨ Eddy asked. 
¨Yeah. You?¨
And after that enlightening conversation they settled in for the night. They played some games on their phones, and they turned in early. 

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