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y/n walks to the hospital cafeteria and eats whatever she find that looks edible. y/n isn't a picky eater. (A/N: But I am 🤣) As soon as she finishes, she heads over to her brothers room. Jimin was waiting for her to return. He looked like he wanted to tell her something.

y/n sits on the chair by her brothers bed and sighs.

Jimin: "What's wrong?" he said worryingly.

y/n looks at Jimin, "Nothing just tired, that's all." she said

Jimin: "y/n, I have something to tell you," he said with concerned face.

y/n: "hmm, what is it?"

Jimin: "Since I won't be able to go to work for a while..." he said intensely. "I want you to take my spot as a sub-manager. Until I recover"

y/n looked at him with her eyes wide open, "what?" she yelled

Jimin took her hand, " Take my place as a manager for a rookie boy group, hmm? You met them before,  Ateez remember?"

y/n: " yea... but.. that was once and like half a year ago. " she mumbled.

Jimin: "You know of them right?"

Y/n sighed, "Jimin-ssi, you know that I'm not really into the whole Kpop industry thing. And if I was I would be too appalled to even work with them."

Jimin: "You'll do fine!"

Y/n looks at her phone and searches up the group, "They are basically the same age as me! Why would someone the same age be telling others what to do?"

Jimin" You are five years younger than me, you nag me about not washing my own clothes and dishes, you'll do fine." 

y/n: "Do I get a say in this?"

Jimin rolled his eye and shook his head, "Come on, you'll like it! I promise!" he said excitingly

y/n took a deep breath and exhaled, "Fine!" she said willingly

Y/n: "But why me, tho? Why can't someone else do it?"

Jimin: " I trust you with them, if you can take care of your older brother, you can take care of them same age or not."

Y/n: "Do they even know of me? You may trust me but do they?"

~Hours past~

Y/n went home to take a shower and change her clothes. When she finished she went to the living room and sat on the couch and turned on the tv. She was channel surfing and couldn't find anything that she liked, so she turned off the tv and went to her room and decided to take a nap instead. She ended up sleeping to the next day. She was exhausted from worrying and taking care of her brother.

It was the weekend so she had nothing else to do since she already finished all of her homework and cleaned her apartment. So she decided to go visit her brother at the hospital.

She arrived at the hospital and went to her brothers room and little did she know he had visitors. 8 to be exacted.

She looked surprised when she entered and all 8 of the boys and her brother looked at her. She looked flustered seeing so many boys in one room.

"y/n come over here and meet the boys, again." Jimin yelled (A/n: when I mean the boys I mean Ateez not the group The boyz...lol)

y/n walks toward her brother and stood by him

She bowed and said, "Hello, I'm y/n." she mentioned

All the boys greeted her all at once saying hello. One by one they greeted her so she can know their names individually.

Jimin: "This is the group that you will manage while I am gone."

Hongjoong: "We heard a lot about you! He would talk about everyday. He told us how much you nag him." he said chuckling.

Y/n looks at her brother, "Seriously, now they will thing I'm bossy"

"Not at all, some of us need to be put into our place." Hongjoong finishes and looks at the six younger to him. 

Y/n: "So you guys know that I will be managing you?"

they all nodded.

y/n: "Did the staff already agree to it?" she said looking at her brother. 

Jimin nodded

Jimin: "yes, you will start on Monday. Seung Cheol will help you until he feels like you got the hang of it." he said reassuringly. "And I hope the Ateez boys will help out too and make it easier for you since you have to go to school." he said raising his eyebrow. All the boys looked away as if they didn't hear what he said.


That same day y/n went home and was thinking how she could manage 8 boys and herself. She went to her room and got her agenda and wrote down what she will have to do to not fall behind in her school work. She was pretty good at making schedules for herself to keep up with everything so this wasn't to hard on her.

Monday came along and y/n didn't have a class, so she got lucky so she won't be distracted as much.

Once she arrived at Ateez's dorm she was greeted by Seung Cheol, he had papers, a work phone, and a company card to give y/n. He told her the main stuff for the things he gave her. Y/n went over the papers she was given. The papers she was given had information of the 8 boys. Let me tell you it wasn't just simple like, 8 papers for 8 boys, it was like a 5 page essay for each member.

It mentioned what they liked and disliked, what they are allergic to, and their morning, afternoon, and night routine. Lucky for her she has a photographic memory, which means she memorized it all in the same day she got it. Who knew she was this intelligent. (A/n: well I knew, I'm the one writing)

Seung Cheol: "So are you ready to start working?" he said with a big smile on his face

y/n: "I mean... I guess." she said unsurely

"Ok, follow me" he gestured to follow him

y/n followed Seung Cheol to the dorm and when they arrived, y/n got nervous. She was think what she will see when they open the door. If she will see them shirtless or see their dorm messy.

Seung Cheol opened the door and there they were sitting on the couch watching a movie.  She was nervous and didn't know what to do or say.

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