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So the day went by fast and it was already 6pm and it was time for a small birthday party for Mingi. 

They had his favorite foods and drinks. And they even good games set up, just the basic party games (A/n: I just spelled 'basic' with a 'k' smh)

After they ate, they played some video games and board games. Then around midnight... that's when it goes crazy.

"Let's play a more frisky game." said Wooyoung. 

"Of course you would think like that woo." San said shaking his head. 

"Come on we all know it will make this night better." Wooyoung responded. 

"okay like what?" asked Seonghwa.

"Truth or Dare" he replied with a smirk

So they all sat in a circle on the floor in the living room. 

"mmm... Okay Mr. birthday boy, Truth or Dare?" Wooyoung asked.

"umm... Truth." he answered

"Whimp" whispered Wooyoung. "Have you had your first kiss?"

"Yes" he answered with out hesitation.

They all took turns doing dares and truths. Until it came back to Mingi for the last truth or dare. 

"Truth or dare?" Wooyoung asked

"Dare" Mingi said

"alright to end this night, I dare you to kiss y/n" he said with a smirk. Everyone widened their eyes.

Mingi and Y/n looked at each other with a flustered face. 

"Come on its to end the night in a good way." Wooyoung mentioned

Mingi scooted closer to y/n and paused, "Do you want to? You don't have to" he mentioned

"It's fine, I don't mind." she answered. He nodded and came closer.

He put his hand on the back of y/n's neck and t have a better grip. They were face-to-face and they looked at each other's eyes then lips. She came closer to close the gap. Mingi closed it with his lips on hers. 

When they separated they all cheered. And with that they all cleaned up and then went to bed. Y/n will be sleeping in the guest room they have since she won't be able to drive back to her dorm.

She got to her temporary room and sat on the bed. She was spacing out and thinking about the kiss she shared with Mingi. She involuntary raised her hand and grazed her lips with her fingers. 

Then she was brought back by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" she yelled

Entered Mingi with a small smile. "Hey" "Hey"

"I just wanted to say that, you really didn't have to kiss me to complete my dare." he mentioned. "Its fine. I didn't mind helping out." she said then biting her lip. 

Mingi closed the door after entering the room. He then sat down next to her on the bed. 

"Can I kiss you, again?" he asked for her consent instead of going for it. She nodded while biting her bottom lip.

He scooted closer and cupped her left cheek and closed the gap. His lips are on hers, she also kissed back. It lasted for around 45 seconds. Their 45 second make out session was the time of their lives, they felt sparks as soon as their lips touched each other. 

Its was like they were meant for each other. 

The separated and started at each other with a smile on their lips.

"I like you" one of them said

"I like you too" the other said.

"Not just because we kissed but, when we got to know each other after 2 months." (A/n: I don't remember how long y/n had been working with Ateez. Can someone tell me if I mentioned it before. But for know just go with 4 months.)

"Well I better get back to my room before Jongho wonders where I am. GoodNight." said Mingi 

"GoodNight" y/n replied back. 

With that Mingi went back to his room leaving a starstruck Y/n smiling like a lunatic laying on the bed. 


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Anyways Happy Birthday Mingi... Again.

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