Chapter 2 |Long Drive|

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POV |• Madison Swan •|It's 12:45am, January 23rd

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POV |• Madison Swan •|
It's 12:45am, January 23rd. I just got done driving 14 hours to Eugene, Oregon. I just checked in to my hotel room which was room 213. I walk into my room exhausted, and threw my bag onto the bed and pulled out my pjs and my face cleaning stuff and went to the bathroom. My pjs consisted of black joggers and a plain red short sleeve shirt. I put my hair up into a messy bun and washed my face. I walked out of the bathroom and took my charger out of my bag and plugged in my phone on the nightstand. I set an alarm for 5:00 am so that I can be out of here by 6am. I turned on the tv to Disney Channel, I have to have some sort of talking or sounds to fall asleep. By the time I got into bed it was 1:30 am. I took my sleep meds and waited 10 minutes for them to kick in and fell asleep, dreaming about how my life was going to be like back in Forks.





I woke up to my stupid alarm going off. I half asleep turn it off and just lay there for 5 minutes. I get out of the bed and walk over to my bag and pull out my clothes for today. I decided to wear on orange long sleeve with black ripped jeans with a belt. Along with black and white vans.

I took my hair out of the messy bun and brushed it out

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I took my hair out of the messy bun and brushed it out. I brushed my teeth and finished getting all my things out back into my bag. After i was done I grab my back and the key card and go down the elevator and check out of the hotel. By the time I got to my car it was 5 minutes tell 6am so I decided to go and grab a drink for Dutch Bro's. I got a large iced vampire slayer rebel and pumpkin bread. I payed and made my way onto the highway to drive to Forks. I would be there in about 6 hours, so about 11:30 am.

TIME SKIP 6 HOURS//11:35am

I got of the highway and made my way toward the time. I just past the Welcome to Forks sign. I start smiling like crazy. I can't wait to see my dad and my friends. I make my way toward my dads house.
I turn down the street you lives on and I see the 2 story house with the police car out front in the distance. I finally pull up and park my car on the side of the road in front of the house. I text my dad to tell him I'm here.
I get out of the car and start making my way toward the back of the car to get my bag when I hear the front door open. I look over and I see my dad making his way toward me. I smile and run up to him and hug him. I start crying.
"I'm home daddy, I'm home." I say
I hear my dad sniffing. "Yes you are baby girl. I've missed you."
We hug for another minute or so and we let go of each other. We smile at each other and wipe our tears away. I make my way to the back of the car again to grab my bag. My dad tries to reach for it but I grab it first. I lock my car and my dad wraps his arm around my shoulder as we walk up to the house. We get inside and my smile becomes bigger. It looks the same. It smells the same and I love it. Some people will say my dad has no taste in home decor but I don't care. This is our home, this is how we like it.
Me and my dad walk up the stairs to my bedroom. My bedroom is right next to Bella's.
I opened the door to my room. I missed this room so much. I walk in and landed face first onto my bed. I could here my dad laugh. I sat up.
"I will leave you to settle in. Are you going to go down to the reservation today? " my dad asked me
"Yeah I was going to go at about 12:30 if that is okay?" I say
"That's totally fine" my dad says
I smile
He starts to leave the room and says. "It's good to have you back kiddo"
"It's good to be back dad" I say while smiling
He smiles back and leaves the room while closing the door.
I pull out my phone from my back pocket of my jeans. I unlock it and text my friends from California and told them I got to Forks safely, I then go on Instagram for a little. After a while I look at the time and see it's almost 12:30pm so I decided to get going. I grab my backpack and phone and walk down stairs. I see my dad in the living room watching tv. I walk over to him and kiss him on the cheek and told him bye and that I love him.
" bye sweetie, be safe" he says
I replied back with, "always am"
I leave and head to my car. I didn't tell my friends that I was coming down right now because I wanted to surprise them.
I get there 15 minutes later and pull up to Jacob's house. I knock on the door and my uncle billy answers.
"Madison! How are you sweetie?" Billy asked
"Hi uncle billy, I'm doing good. How are you?" I ask.
"I'm doing well thank you. Are you here to see Jacob?" He says
"Yes I am. Is he here?" I ask
"He isn't right now but I could call him and tell him to come back over and you can surprise him." He says
"I would really like that." I say
Billy calls Jacob and asked him to come home. He said he will and he is bringing Seth. I smile I miss Seth and Jacob so much.
When the boys got the billy meet him outside and I waited inside tell him gave me the signal.
I heard him talk to the guys for a few minutes and then he gives me the signal. I come out and the boys see me. They see me and start running to me tell the stop midway and freeze looking into my eyes. After a minute of me being confused, Billy clears his throat and the boys snap out of it. They smile and run up to me and gave me a big hugs. I laughed and smiled they let me go and Jacob picks me up and spins me around, I just laugh. After he puts me down Seth does the same thing.
I wake up at 6:30 am to start going ready for school. I have to be there by 8:00. I walk over to my dresser to grab a pair of underwear and a bra for today when I see a picture of me and Jacob and Seth. Billy took it on the day I went over there. I stayed the night and all 3 of us had a sleepover. I went to my closet and pulled out the closes I was going to wear today. I wanted to wear something nice to leave a good first impression. I decided to wear a black long sleeve shirt with a black and grey mini skirt, with a black belt. For my shoes I decided to wear my long black lease boots that go a little past my knees.

 For my shoes I decided to wear my long black lease boots that go a little past my knees

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After I was done getting dressed I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and let it fall down my back in its natural waves

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After I was done getting dressed I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and let it fall down my back in its natural waves. I didn't need to take a shower this morning being I took one last night. I brushed my teeth. I went back into my room and got my stuff around. I grabbed my phone and my school stuff and put them in my backpack. I also put my wallet in there along with an extra charger. I then grabbed my orange flavored chapstick off my dresser and put some on and then put it in the side packet of my bag. I put my bag over my shoulders and walk down stairs. I see my dad and Bella sitting at the table eating breakfast.
"Good morning daddy, morning Bella" I say

"Good morning sweetie, are you ready for your first day?" my dad asked

"I am. I think I am going to head out." I say. I go over and kiss him on the cheek. I start to leave when I yell out.
"Love you daddy. I hope you have a good day. "

I hear him say it back as I grab my car keys and walk out the door. I get I'm my car and take a big deep breathe. Here I go off to a new start. I have a good feeling about this year. I start the drive to school.
I finally get there and I pull into the parking lot that was full of students standing around waiting for school to start. As I pull in all eyes turn toward me. I park my car sorta in the middle of the parking lot close to Bella's truck. I don't know how she got here before me. She must have left when I was giving my self the pep-talk. I turn off my car and grab my bag and get out of the car. I feel so many eyes on me but   I try not to pay attention. I lock my car and start walking toward the school I can hear people whispering thing. I start to look around and try to give people smiles. Everyone smiles back. Some guys and girls were taking pictures of me. I start to blush. I kept walk tell I could hear Bella saying shit me to someone I tried to ignore them but she was saying it really loud just so I could hear. I look over to her and see her with a group of people. They all are gorgeous. I couldn't take my eyes off them and they never took there eyes off of me. I started to blush as they kept staring at me. I kept walking and while I past them i smelt something amazing, a mix of peaches and mangos. I made eye contact with all of them and I swear I thought I saw there eyes sparkle. Then I made eye contact with Bella, if looks could kill I would be died. I looked down and continued walking. I walked up the steps of the school to make my way to the office to grab my schedule. I could still feel eyes on me but I just kept walking forward with a small kind smile.

Cullen's POV
HOLY FUCK she is gorgeous. I think she our mate.

Edward's POV
She is gorgeous. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She has an amazing smile with beautiful brown and green eyes. When she walks it's almost like she is gliding. Everyone smiled and was in awe when the saw her. She was like a goddess. Bella says all these mean things about her but she doesn't even seem like she could hurt a fly. I need to get to know her. I think she may be my mate...

Hi I'm sorry it took me a little bit to update but I promise I will get better. I hope you guys like this story. xx

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