Chapter 23

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At the Cullens—>

The pack had just arrived at the Cullens early that morning to see Madison but when they got there the Cullens told them that she stayed at her house that night. Seth and Embry where about to go pick her up and bring her back to the house so they could all talk to her. But right before they were going to leave to get her Alice was sucked into a vision.

She saw Madison being tied up then Bella and the mystery man throwing her in the van. Then it went to Madison being tied up to the pole in the cabin being beaten by Bella and the man, she saw them walk away from her and leaving her in the floor in shock and pain as she started to bleed out.

When the vision was over Alice was crying, and Edward in an emotional angry shock. He didn't want to believe it was real. Alice told the Cullens and the pack what she saw. After she told them there were so many emotions going through everyone.

Angry, fear, sadness and so much more. The immediately made a plan on what to do. Seth, Jacob, Embry and Quil would go with Carlisle, Esme, Alice and Jasper.

Sam, Emily, Paul, Jared and Leah went with Edward, Rosalie and Emmett. They were going to do everything in there power to get their girl home and safe no matter what it takes. They will spill blood if it means saving her.

I'm so so sorry theses last few chapters have been really short but I will be writing a way longer one tomorrow. I haven't been feeling the best lately and I am slammed with school work so please bear with me. I'm going to try and post as much as I can. I don't have a for sure update schedule yet but I'm going to TRY and update every other day. Thank you all so so much for reading this book. It means so much to me. Also, thank you to the people who are voting and commenting! Another thing I love all your comments, some of them make me laugh. I may not respond to them but I do read them. I am very awkward when it comes to responding to surten things 😂. That's all for now love's!!

- gabriela 🌻🖤

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