Chapter 20

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Time Skip~2 days

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Time Skip~2 days

Madison's POV

It's been 2 days sense I meet 4 more of my mates. I'm so happy to have them in my life but I feel like a burden, a nobody. All my mates are amazing, gorgeous/handsome, kind, funny, smart, brave..they are perfect. That's the problem, they deserve someone better than me. Someone who is beautiful, someone who is not broken.

So I have been slowly pushing away from them. we got word from the Volturi that they have booked our flight that's in a week. That gives me enough time to leave Forks, to run and hide. so they never find me, then they can move on. they should move on. I know I will die if I don't meet my other mates, and I could die if I'm not with my mates but it's for the best. As soon as I'm gone everyone will be happier. they won't have to worry about me. I won't be a burden. The pack can find mates for them selves that they don't have to share, someone who can give them kids... because I can't have kids...

The Cullens deserve to live a long life doing things that they want to do, they can be free.
My dad can move on, he won't have to worry about me. He denies it but he hasn't found or looked for someone else because of me. But I want him to, no matter how many times I tell him that it's okay to move on he says no. So if I'm out of the way he can finally live his life.
and Bella..she may hate me.. she may have done horrible things to me but she still is my sister. She still is my blood, and I wants what's best for the people in my life.

So I have decided that I'm going to go home tonight. no staying at the Cullens or with the pack. I need to go home and pack. just a backpack of stuff. I have enough money to last me tell I pass. All my money that's left will be sent to my dad. I will go away and stay away. I'm doing this for them because I love them. All of them, even Bella.

I have been in the guest room for 2 hours making a solid plan. They think I'm taking a nap. I made she they didn't hear me. So I get up and grab my bag, my charger, and my phone. I walk down stairs to see Emmett and Jasper playing video games on the floor of the living room while Alice, Rosalie and Esme are sitting on the couch talking. As I take my last step off the stairs all their heads turn to me.

They smile at me and I give them a small smile back. Then Alice looks at my bag and stands up.

Alice: Where are you going?

Madison: I'm going home for tonight. I'm sorry. I just really want to sleep in my bed for a night if that is okay.

Esme: That's fine princess but you will come back tomorrow right?

Madison: yes I will. I will come over tomorrow before dinner.

They all stand and one at a time give me hugs. All of a sudden Carlisle and Edward walk in. They ask what was going on and Esme tells them. Their smiles drop. Carlisle walk over to me and gave me a hug.

Carlisle: be safe my little princess. call of if you need anything I mean anything.

Madison: I will be safe I promise.

Edward then walks over and grabs both of your hands softly

Edward: do you want me to come with you?

Madison: no thank you. I really just need a night alone.

Edward nods and gives my a hug that lasts for a while. We finally brake apart and they all walk me outside to my car. I opened the backseat door and through my bag in. closed it and then opened the driver side door. Before I get in at look to the front of the house where they stand. I try not to cry when I look at them. Part of me tells my self not to go but I know I should. I want them happy and I can't give them the happiness they deserve.

Madison: I love you guys

They tell me they love me too. I wave and get in the car. I buckle up and start the car. My phone connects to the car and my music on my phone starts playing. I start to pull out of the drive way when a song I really love came on so I turned up the volume. (Song at the top)

Time Skip tell she is up in her room.
I had to be very quiet coming in the house because I didn't want to wake dad because he has work tomorrow but I also didn't want to wake Bella because if she knew I was home it would be a nightmare.

After I dropped my bag onto my bed I got to my dresser to get some pjs. I grab a black short sleeve shirt and some Harry Potter pj pants.

I change and set my alarm on my phone to 4:30 am. It's 11:24 pm right now. I need to wake up early so I can pack and get out of the house before Bella wakes up.


This chapter is so bad but I wanted to give you guys another update. I hope everyone is doing okay and you guys are safe and healthy. Remember you are amazing and loved.
Lots of Love
- gabriela

Little Star Twilight / Wolf pack/ Volturi fanfic {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now