The Walk Home

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I'd served Thomas about 4 or 5 more rum and cokes, he was so charming. I've always wanted to meet him, I never imagined it'd be through work though. I certainly never imagined living in the same apartment building as him!

He helped me clear the glasses from the tables as i closed down the bar. I grabbed my coat and bag and we headed out the door. "So, I never got your name beautiful." I blushed and giggled, "I-Its Rosie..." I saw him look down at me, he's quite tall compared to me. (I can rest my head into the top his abs, that's how much taller he is.) "Thats  a pretty name for a beautiful girl" i chuckled and blushed. "I-I'm sorry. Was i a bit forward love?" You stopped at a bench, "N-No. I just, I rarely get compliments like that." You sighed as you slumped on the bench. Thomas sat next to you hesitantly, "Are you okay Rosie? Where's that smile gone?" I shrugged. I didn't know what to say. No one ever gives me compliments like that.

"Look. I know we only just met but, I like you a lot. You can tell me anything Rosie, I-I won't judge, I won't tell a soul..." I felt Thomas move closer to me, then I felt a warm arm wrap round me. He pulled me closer to him, so I nestled my head into the crook of his neck. I felt him lean his head on top of mine.

"Im lonely Thomas... I like London, and my job... but, Its so lonely." I felt him squeeze me tight. "Oh Rosie. I know its scary not knowing anyone but you have me now and I promise i'll never leave you." I sighed. I'd herd that so many times, everyone leaves me eventually.

"Come on, lets get back to the apartment. I don't want you getting cold." I nodded as Thomas stood up. He held his hand out for me, I took it as we walked down the river. "Isn't it just wonderful down here." I nodded as I felt him hold my hand tighter.

I can't believe I'm holding hands and walking home with Thomas Sangster.

"Thank you for walking me home Thomas." I smiled, so did he. "No worries, I hope you sleep well love. Hey, whats your number? I want to keep in touch." I pulled out my phone and swapped numbers with him. I felt scared to be alone that night, "T-Thomas..." I croaked. He turned around with a smile, "Yes love?" He slowly walked back over to me, I felt him put his hands on my waist. "I... I don't want to be alone tonight... C-Could you, I mean... You don't-" Thomas pecked me on the lips, "Do you want me to come in love? I remember what it was like living on my own for the first time. It is scary." I nodded. We walked in and I told Thomas to take a seat on the sofa as I got us both a drink.

We talked and talked.

"How old are you Rosie? I know you're old enough to be behind the bar but... I don't like to assume."

"I'm 20. Soon 21." Thomas smiled, "How soon is soon?" I chuckled, "its in 2 months, May 6th."

"I'll remember that." He smiled sweetly as he leant in and pecked me on the cheek.

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