Dinner ...date?

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I watched Ki and Dylan walk out of the kitchen, once I knew the door was shut I fell to the floor and gasped. "Oh my god... that's actually Ki-Hong and Dylan!" Thomas joined me on the kitchen floor, "Yep. See, its not that scary is it love?" I shuck my head. Although, I was still pretty nervous. "I-I'm still nervous though Tommy." I watched him stand tall before he held his hand out to help me up, "I know princess. Well, I guess I don't really know but, they're harmless. That I do know. Come on, those two will be starving." I took the plates while Thomas got the chips out of the oven, apparently Dylan loves Thomas' homemade burgers and chips so that's what we're having.

I could here Dylan and Ki laughing like little boys as I walked into the dining room, they both smiled at me and honestly, it settled my nerves a little. "So, how old are you Rosie?" I imagined it'd be Dylan with all the questions, he always seems to have that 'little boy' sparkle of curiosity in his eyes. "I'm nearly 21, i-in May." Ki's face lit up as he choaked on his beer, "Thomas' birthday is in May! When's yours?!" He practically shouted, "May 6th Mr.Nosy!" I heard Thomas say from behind me. "Wow, okay, sorry Dad!" The boys fell about in laughter, so did I. I really don't know why I was so nervous, they're both amazing guys.

I have to say, Thomas is an absolutely AMAZING cook! Its not often you meet a guy who can do, and who has it all; great personality, career, apartment AND he can cook!

So far, dinner is going really well. I actually have a lot in common with Dylan. We both play drums, love music, and Thomas' cooking. Ki-Hong is really sweet, a bit sarcastic at times but like Thomas said, they're both harmless. I never imagined this is what it would be like meeting the cast of one of my favourite movies but, its amazing and I've barely scratched the surface!

We'd finished dinner after Dylan had gone for seconds, Thomas just laughed at him and took it as a compliment. Apparently its quite normal for Dylan. We'd all merged our way over to Thomas' huge corner sofa, I was sat between Thomas' legs and the boys were sat the other end. We were talking and laughing about everything and anything. As much to Thomas' dislike, Dylan and Ki had also told me some embarrassing stories of what Thomas is like when he's drunk or when they've been filming on set. He seems to be quite the character.

It was rolling on around 12:30 midnight, I could slowly feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier. It didn't help that Thomas was massaging my waist with his thumb but I wasn't going to say no, it felt so calming. Ki-Hong had fallen asleep and I knew I wasn't far off myself, but I wasn't going to let these two fools have the access of doing something totally embarrassing to me while I was asleep!

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