Seven Dials

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"Come on blossom, we need to get going."

"But this hug is so comforting Tommy." I sighed.

"I know sweetheart, we can cuddle later though. How does that sound?"

I nodded and smiled as we finally separated from the warming hug. He took my hand as we walked down the stairs to Garry's car. "Good morning you two." Garry chirped with a smile, "where are we going today Thomas?" He asked. "Seven Dials please Garry." He replied as we stepped inside the car. We set off into the city, it was so peacful at this time of day. So, tranquil. A few cars here and there on their way to work, I assumed, but it was still calm for another working day in London.

About half an hour later, we'd arrived at Seven Dials. We stepped out and infront of us was a tall landmark, streets led off in different directions from the landmark. Some street shops were painted in vibrant colours; red, blue, yellow, even pink. Others were covered in ivy and what looked like old brick- almost like ruins. I stood there and gazed in awe, it was truely macical!

"What do you think blossom?" I heard Thomas ask as I snapped out of my longing gaze.

"Tommy... It-Its wonderful!" I gasped.

"I thought you'd say that. Come on, i'll take you to the food market. Everything there is fresh."

I took his hand and as we walked down one of the older looking streets. The stalls were filled with fresh and vibrant looking fruits and vegetables. Indian, chinise, spanish food stalls cooking street food that smelt amazing in one part, in an other part there were bakery stalls and a dairy hut.

It really was magical. The whole vibe from the market was electrifying.

I picked some fresh fruit and veg, some bread, dairy, pasta and some spices. I noticed that Thomas had picked up a few things too. I walked over to the street food stalls and started in awe, I was hungry so I decided to ponder at each stall before picking something to eat. I chose the Indian stall and picked out a korma curry and a bhaji.

Then I realised that I couldn't see Thomas... where was he? I sighed as I slumped down on a bench infront of a quaint little chocolate shop and ate my food. Gosh, it was tasty.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned my head to see Thomas with a rose in his hand and a huge grin. "Tommy, where have you been?!" I said in shock. He jumped over the bench and wrapped his arm around me, "I went to get my favourite girl a rose. Its real." Still in shock, I did nothing but smile at him and his deep brown eyes. "Thank you Tommy, its wonderful!" I took the rose from him and held it close, he took my empty tray and put it in the bin next to him.

"Now, I don't know about you but, I'm ready to go back home."

I nodded. "Me too, I'm knida tired. Thank you for bringing me here, its beautiful."

"Anything for you sweetheart." He smiled.

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