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-"Get down!"- He whispered and shoved me under a table.

I heard gun shots all over the place. It was the first time they trapped him and I witnessed it. He was trying to defend himself with his handgun, but I was worried. What if...What if he doesn't make it? I need to cause some type of distraction....

That's when I spotted a bottle of wine.

I grabbed it discretely and threw it at one of the guys that were shooting at his direction.

-"Oh, honey."- He whispered while aiming at his target.

He shot the last one of them.

I saw the bodies fall, blood came out of them and it certainly looked disgusting.

I got out of the table and hugged him, hard.

-"Baby girl why did you do that?"- He asked while cupping my face in his hands.

The answer to that question was simple.

-"Because, I love you."- I said grabbing his arm.

-"You could've been compromised. They could've thrown shots towards you and you don't have anything to defend yourself."-

-"I had a bottle?"- I shrugged and smiled.

-"That might've worked this time, but I need you to learn how to use this."- He hands me his gun.

I was scared at first, but if being with him means fighting till the end, I'm in.

-"They caught me this time, I don't think it'll be the last, you have to be prepared if you want to be with me. Anything can happen at any moment of the day or night. Do you understand?"-

I nodded my head.

-"I would give my life away for you Jacob. All that matters to me is that we're together and I won't back out on you. I love you way too much to leave you. I'll learn how to fight by your side. I'll be your ride or die."- I replied.

-"That's my girl."- He kissed my forehead.

-"Let's go, before the cops show up."-

-"Okay, baby you see that big house."- He pointed towards a well decorated and coordinated house.

-"Yes."- I said while looking at it from the bush we were hiding behind.

-"A wealthy family lives there, I just want you to distract them while I get in from the back door or break a window. This can be our chance to fly out of here. We need the money and there it is."- He points at the house once again.

-"Okay, for us."- I said grabbing his hand.

-"Now, go."-

I get out of the bushes discreetly and walk towards the house, but before I could knock or ring the doorbell I felt someone grabbing my back and placing an injection through my arm.

Everything blackened.

My eyes open slowly and I blink twice.

My first thought was:

-"Jacob!"- I look around desperately.

I'm in a plane or a private jet? There's no one here but me and...

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