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I open my eyes and the first thing I see is that young man again. I was hoping all this was just a long nightmare! He was looking at himself in the mirror fixing his collar and putting a watch on. His eyes met with his own reflection through the mirror and he smiled confidently.

I looked around me.

I was in a king sized bed in a bright room with long see through windows behind me. The sun and the clarity that was outside transferred into the room. I didn't know what time it was anymore...

Wait a freaking minute...

-"You didn't rape me...Did you?!"-

-"That would be obscene! I would never!"- He said while looking at me with disgust.

-"Then explain why I'm in this room and you're in it too."- I looked under the sheets and I noticed I still had the same clothes I was wearing yesterday or earlier...

-"I thought you needed some rest with everything going on, so I brought you to one of my places. While you were sleeping I did some errands, I also did take a shower just now. I knew the injection was gonna wear off soon."- He explained.

-"You injected me! Why did you do that?! You have to stop doing that!"-

I felt very drowsy.


-"I want to be with Jacob. You're torturing me!"- I looked furiously at him.

-"Says the one who's sitting in a comfortable bed and is about to get some room service."- He throws a tiny bell towards me.

It fell on the bed.

I grabbed it and rang it.

This is my chance to escape.

I got out of the bed.

He squinted his eyes and looked at me.

-"Don't try anything now Nora."-

A waiter opened the door. I ran towards him and shoved him onto that dreadful man.

I got out of the room and kept running, I felt his steps chasing me, I knew he was close but I wasn't going to give up.

-"RAPE! RAPE! I've been kidnapped!"- I shouted through the long hall.

I heard him laugh behind me.

-"Nora, stop that nonsense. If you calm down, I'll get you some ice cream later."-

He thinks ice cream is gonna solve this?! For crying out loud he kidnapped me! Maybe the rape part wasn't true but still! Why does no one help me?!

I saw some stairs and went down.

-"Nora this could be a lot easier if you'd just let me help you."-


-"You give me no other option."-

What is he gonna do?

I turned around.

-"No! Not another injection!"- I begged.

He took a few steps closer, now he was in front of me.

He grabbed my arm and started walking.

-"I wasn't going to do that, you've had enough. I was going to tackle you though, but now that you stopped, I don't have to."- He smiled.

-"Where are you taking me?"- I asked with curiosity and fear once I saw we went through a door and the room looked dark. There were stairs we had to take to go down.

-"It's a safe place, promise."- He said while sustaining my back and giving me the right of way to go down stairs.

-"I can't escape even if I try...Can I?"-

-"Nope, it'll be very hard to escape from me young missy."-

-"I'm alright! I don't need this! Please let me go."- I begged.

-"C'mon nothing bad is going to happen to you, at least not anymore."-

-"Why should I trust you?"-

-"You have no other choice."-

I went down stairs and I felt his steps behind me. I reached the last foot step and I saw a table with a dark skinned woman sitting as if she were already waiting for us. There were two other chairs on the other side.

-"Take a seat, don't be afraid."- She said calmly while pointing at the chair.

The man stood behind me.

-"Nora, this is Olivia. She will be helping you."-

-"Nice to meet you Nora. I don't know why Daniel chose this room for us to meet, it's so dark."-

So his name is Daniel huh?

-"Olivia I do need help. Daniel has kidnapped me!"-

-"Here we go again."- He rolls his eyes.

-"Why do you believe this Nora?"-

-"He literally injected me, flew me to who knows where, injects me again and puts me to sleep in a bed. He took me away without permission! He separated me from the one true man I love. Daniel here is a psychopath!"- I pointed at him and he chuckled.

He shakes his head and makes a hand gesture to Olivia letting her continue.

-"Okay, Nora-"

I cut her off and continue:

-"I can't even call Jacob to let him know where I am! He must be devastated! I just want to go back, there's no reason for me to be here."- I spotted her smartphone.

-"Olivia, please, let me make that phone call."-

Daniel shook his head.

-"Nora."- He sighed.

-"Do you want to know where and what Jacob is doing right now?"- He asked.

I looked at him confused.

He presses a button from a controller he had in his pocket. A screen tv slides out from where it was hidden. He presses another button and I see...Jacob! My love! I felt my heart pound.

He was in a bar drinking, laughing and flirting with other women.

-"That's where he is! Not giving a shit about you."- Said Daniel.

-"He's drunk! When he gets drunk it's cuz he's suffering!"-

-"Yeah, keep telling yourself that."-

-"He needs me!"- I shouted.

-"How? How do you know where he is right now? Are you tracking him?! Don't you dare do something to him!"- I looked at him with anger.

-"I've got my ways and many connections. Olivia here is one of my oldest friends."- Said Daniel while placing his hands on Olivia's shoulders.

-"Olivia please, you know he's wrong! Haven't you ever been in love?"-

-"Nora, you need help. Clearly you can't see what's wrong with Jacob, he has blindfolded you, your love towards him is overwhelming and you only see what you want to believe."- Said Olivia with a calm voice.

I'm not blindfolded.

-"What I recommend for you is that, you should try doing other things in life, discover who you are and who you want to become. Don't live for Jacob, live for yourself. The love you have for him is toxic and will only cause damage to your persona."- She continued.

-"SHUT UP ALREADY!"- I slam the table with my hands and get out of the chair.

I run upstairs and Daniel goes after me.

I tried opening the door but it was locked.

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