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We made love.
I felt the memory of Jacob fading away that night...Jacob has nothing on me now. Daniel was such a gentleman, making sure I felt comfortable...He was so gentle and caring...Jacob used to be so violent, he didn't care how I felt, he would just do as he pleased...

I feel like this is a great start to a fresh new beginning with Daniel. After that night, we were inseparable. We would go out, laugh and have fun. He's like the perfect guy...Sometimes I ask myself...Am I worthy of him?

He told me about his life, which was great! He always had everything and anything he needed, but he was taught to be humble and help others as well. He's very dedicated in his job, he loves doing what he does...Right now he's been on his well earned vacation, which would end in a few days...

So he spent his vacation chasing after me and helping me get rid of Jacob once and for all...I'm extremely grateful for what he has done. The lengths he's gone for me...I don't think any other guy would've been so patient...Now I realize how obsessed I was over Jacob and I feel ashamed of myself for acting the way I did. I feel bad for betraying my parents, the ones who gave me life in the first place. They're my loved ones, they tried helping me, they tried to warn me, but I never listened to them, I was so stubborn...Right now I just want to give them a hug and apologize for everything I've done...

-"So you want to see your parents?"- He asked.

-"Yes, I miss them so much...I regret all the hurt and pain I've caused to them..."-

-"I'm glad to hear that my dear Nora."- He smiled and pulled out a flier with my picture on it reading "missing child".

-"They've been looking for you."-

My eyes tested up, I held the flier and started to cry.

-"One of the many reasons I brought you here; but before I brought you to your parents I wanted you to want to see them again."-

-"They still love you Nora, they never lost hope."-

-"The fliers stopped appearing for a while now because they know where you are. I spoke with them, I assured them I'd help you and bring you back....What I didn't mention was that I was going to fall for you along the way."- He kissed my forehead and hugged me.

I smiled and hugged him back.

-"I'm going to get our flight ready, you're going to experience the luxury of flying on a private Jet."- He winked at me and took his phone out to make a call.

-"Don't worry you've been on it before."- He chuckled.

That's when I remembered...The day I woke up in it so lost and confused. Then I jumped out of it...I shook my head. I'm glad everything makes sense now...

-"Okay, come with me, love."- He held my hand and brought me outside right in front of the Jet. We had to wait for a while till the pilot came over.

-"How're you feeling?"-


-"You'll be fine."- He held my chin up.

-"Everything will be fine."- He got close and kissed me.

All of a sudden I hear the doors of the private Jet open and I couldn't believe my eyes...


He was right there in front of me. My body felt weak and all tingly...He saw us kiss. I was kissing his brother...

Jacob look at me with disappointment and disgust.

I was paralyzed.

-"I came for you and this is the first thing I get to see?"-

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